
If george bush was a bad president, y didnt they impeach him???

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  1. They didn't impeach Hoover either. So what?

  2. It is time-consuming and the senate should be worrying about and acting on more important issues like the war and the economy, helping pass new legislation.

  3. You might wanna read you US Constitution on this one.  

    Art II Sec 4

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors.

    Being bad at your job does not qualify for any of these.  

  4. Because not enough people believe that he is a bad president. If it was more apparent to everyone, then more people would behind an impeachment.

  5. Because of die hards like you.

  6. Well you have to look at who "They" is.  "They" is the american people and most of them who felt he should go, like you, were looking for a "they" to get rid of him and "they" never showed up to do it.

  7. they don't impeach a president for not being good they impeach them for doing something illegal like spying on the other party or lying in a congressional hearing

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