
If gerry maccann wonders if sedatives were used to keep his children asleep

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why did he not submit urine samples from the twins to assist the police in determining if they had been drugged




  1. he gives me the creeps

    the twins should of been taken into care and tests done on them , but no they tiptoed around the British and still got slated for it

  2. That sir is rather obvious,urine samples can hold much more information than he (perhaps) would want revealed

  3. why would he do something to incriminate himself...guilty of wilful neglect and got off scot free..justice for maddie

  4. Why do you have it in for the parents? Do you have a life? I just care about the girl being found.  

  5. Given the behavior of the parents and the tapas crowd the most likely scenario is that Madeline was given medication by one of the other doctors and suffered a bad reaction.  Then they all panicked and tried to cover it up.

    That would explain all the inconsistencies reported in the statements.  Why the McCanns attacked the police from the start, why they refused to answer police questions or take part in a reconstruction.

    Better yet the supposed sighting of Gerry carrying a child on the beach was only discounted because of the statements of the tapas crowd.

    There has to be something deeply suspicious about the McCanns being the only parents of a missing child to deliberately obstruct a police inquiry and search for their missing daughter and even they admit it!!

  6. These people are experts at the smoke and mirrors tricks, after all they have muddied the waters so much that they seem to have got away with everything up to now !

  7. because he's as guilty as his hard faced wife

  8. your on a roll! Aren't you????

  9. I don't normally answer McCann questions  --   I find them distasteful  --   but you are wrong on this.  Hair samples were taken from all the family including the parents and no evidence of drugs of any kind were found.  Hair samples show drugs presence long after they have been taken if any have. None were found.  He probably means he wondered at the time.  After all he is a doctor and as such, he would know what he was talking about.

  10. both parents make me feel very uneasy about the whole thing...

  11. Don't know so I can only speculate.  There is something wrong about this whole sick sad sorry mess.  Something wrong with people that behave as the McCanns did and do. I think that their poor child is dead, and has been within hours of her disappearance.  The McCanns obviously do not want to belive that their daughter is dead, but a nasty thought in my head keeps asking me," Is it because they live in hope or is it because they know that Madeleine dead means no more money would roll into their website to find her."  I don't think I have ever seen a couple in the public eye that seem as thoroughly cold, self-promoting, unpleasant and unlikeable.

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