
If ghosts voices sound distorted as opposed to clear, what, if anything, does it mean?

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My friend have decided to try our hand at amature ghost hunting. Nothing serious but we have taken pics in a few places and recorded in 2 cemetaries. In the first we picked up a few voices, mostly kids. The sound was quite clear. Other than regular background noises there was no real difficulty hearing. We went to the second cemetary about 2 hours later and allowed the recorder to run for about 30 mins. There were sounds like someone was holding the recorder(I had laid it down on a headstone) and a few car doors slamming and a cough. None of these sounds were heard by us. Towards the end we heard voices but unlike at the first site these voices sounded as if they were talking through murk(if that makes sense) They were warbled and distorted. Since the first sites voices seemed so free flowing these voices kind of disturbed me. Like they were trying so hard to be heard.




  1. not really sure, but that always happens to me

  2. Wow, that's pretty neat you're doing that! I've always wanted to try "ghost hunting" but I'm terribly afraid of the other realm and spirits.

    Hearing voices in a cemetary huh? Well, I think it means that some ghosts are trying to make contact with you or you are just hearing what was said in the graveyard in the past.

  3. I also do amature ghost hunting around our house. So i've gotten some of those muffled voices too. But i have also gotten some clear voices that no-one else was able to hear. Just keep taping and go back to where you heard it to see if you get anything else.

  4. the distortion in the disembodied voices you are hearing is nothing to be really concerned about or afraid of. this is most likely because the energy of the "ghost" is probably not strong enough to come across as clear as some other "ghosts" that you might record. your experience really just sounds like an imprint though. ya know, like a recording of the past that will replay itself over and over again.

    what I would do is go back to the same place, probably on several different occasions, and see if you can record the same thing.  If you are successful in doing so, then you know you have caught an imprint, and not an actual ghost.

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