
If ginger tea is prescribed for migraines, why did I get a migraine-type headache after drinking it?

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This was a blend of ginger and camomile tea that was recommended to calm digestion. It actually aggravated the digestion and gave me severe headache.




  1. Seperate them out you could have responded poorly to just one ingredient: Ginger is a natural anti inflamitory and so is Chamomile. Ginger also helps with nausea, how many grandmas used gingerale, back when it was the real deal. However, your body may have sensitivities to one of these two. One is a hot herb one is a cooling herb so they are also probably trying to balance you out. I can handle ginger to certain point (to much is not good either) but I have to be careful with Chamomile because I have horrible allergies and even echineacia doesn't work like it says on the bottle for me, they are both (chamomile and Echineacia) probably related to one of my allergy triggers.

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