
If given the chance......?

by  |  earlier

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If given the opportunity, which yammer would you really like to meet up some day in the real, physical world?





  1. all ...

  2. I'm too malu to answer this..

    - *blush* -

  3. You, Station One, Cactuar, Spirit of Ecstasy, Audrey, Daniel, Bean, Man, let's clone war, Holyman3, Anderson, Super Sapien, purpleCat, Joker, Princess Kathy, Loyal Playboy, Fartman (are they clones?), Chekeedee, lets-talk-now, BBL, Jeffy, Gindy (I think I already know how he looks like)...and the list goes on. Everyone, I guess.

  4. Number one in my list is sapien.  Really!  **fighting mood**.

    I really want to discover what makes him tick!

  5. cheekede, i wanna meet you if we have the chance..

    haha.. seriously, i wanna meet Bean. kinda like an uncle for me but probably hes younger than that.. hmhm

  6. i wanna meet kiki lala, Gindy, It's Show Time!, alisya and Bean.haha..

  7. You! Can i?

  8. 1. ALL of u!

    2. gindy, yaya, bobo, yippie/ain, adi, nate de beghuk, lazarus,  bean, chubby, ayn, shen yi, kathy, spirit of ecstacy, trustee, shim, wan azlina, sacageawa, its show time, azeera, the bear..

  9. i want to meet Ask Mike.

  10. Fatiima, Kadiija and her  clones you know why...ha ha  

  11. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  12. yaya, BBL, Garis Halus, Bean, Gindy, Ms5Miles

  13. everyone!really,then we can go to minum kopi together!!!!!!!!!

  14. will be me..........

  15. Really like to?

    GarisHalus perhaps. I have a thing for him. A bad thing. So I can smack his head.

    I was going to see the Cow until he chickened out on me. And decided to want to see Cactuar instead. Would like to meet Jedi for real, perhaps BBL and yaya although sometimes their answers get on my nerves but I do feel they would be nice people to hang out with if only we can agree on something.  

  16. I want to meet everyone... I mean everyone.

    Especially Jedi. For real. I want to shake hand with that guy and see how garang he is...

    Nobody wants to meet me? Hehe...

  17. all of u...especially kadiija...and the clones.....

  18. Ginduras,, have u seen his real face? he is indeed different from his avatars,, agak good lookin also.  

  19. sumone special...

  20. I want to meet everyone that wants to meet me to chekedee shake hand saja ke  

  21. You! I want to know who your crush is!! Pleeaasseee......!!!

    And bean, Malayan Tiger, man, yaya, zeeda, jeffy, fatiiima & friends, daniel, anderson, gigi, just to name some....

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