
If given the choice of dying from heat or dying from the cold, which would you pick?

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If given the choice of dying from heat or dying from the cold, which would you pick?




  1. Cold, I hear it's quite pleasant, like drifting off to sleep.  Heatstroke is a horrible, painful way to die.

  2. I would rather die from the cold.  One gets very tired and goes to sleep, never to wake.  The heat makes you miserable.  I don't know how our men and women do it over in Iraq.  I spent 12 months in the Middle East on the Flag Ship for the Middle East Forces and those in-port quarter deck watches were brutal at 118ºF!  I had spent 13 months in Antarctica 1972 - 73 and wanted to go back in 78.  They couldn't guarantee that's I'd 'winter over,' so I said no thanks. The big thing is, going down there counts double toward your sea time.  I went to the Middle East instead for the double sea time credit.

    The day I left was the day the Embassy in Tehran, Iran was taken over.  One of my shipmates was supposed to leave in December and was held until late January because of the Iran crisis 1979/80.

    Give me the cold any day!

  3. Cold.  Ask me again during the winter and I may say heat.

  4. Cold because I would be numb.

  5. I'll have to say cold because some of the things I've done in my life I'm sure I'll feel the heat soon enough!!!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6.      I worked construction for many years going to school in sub zero weather, once it was recorded as 52 below with a seventeen below zero wind, we actually worked in winds that we had to lean against and the temps were as low as thirty five and forty eight below.

         I have also worked in 118 above the highest, the men were dropping around me from the heat.

         You can always put on clothes for the cold, you can only take off so much for the heat.

  7. cold---- faster and easier because you fall asleep.

  8. cold.

  9. Cold, heat would take too long.

  10. Cold; yeah I'm all for sleep !

  11. This was just asked last night. For me, I hate cold. So, heat.

  12. Cold would be my choice.

  13. it would be from cold.  I say this because I have experienced both to their extremes.  the heat made me sick first.  cold was different physically.

  14. i'm anemic so i would rather die from heat.

  15. The cold.Ill soon get warmed up when I get where im going.

  16. The cold.  

  17. Cold would work for me. Here is a copy of the poem by Robert Frost called Fire and Ice and it provides some interesting thoughts on how it will all end for us.

    SOME say the world will end in fire,  

    Some say in ice.  

    From what I’ve tasted of desire  

    I hold with those who favor fire.  

    But if it had to perish twice,          

    I think I know enough of hate  

    To know that for destruction ice  

    Is also great  

    And would suffice.

  18. The cold.   I think it would be the least painful way to go.

  19. WOW!!  Heavy question.  Probably from the cold because it would be faster.

  20. Cold for sure.  Heat would be a long miserable death.  

  21. Heat...Just because I am a very cold person all the time!  

  22. Cold.  Why suffer?  Cold numbs you so you don't feel it after awhile.

    With heat, you suffer until you die.

  23. Cold, without question.  You would just doze off and never wake up.

  24. Cold, at least after awhile all goes numb.

  25. I'd choose the cold.  I heard you just fall asleep.

  26. No doubt the cold. Due to my illness, the heat causes me to suffer unbearably and I would suffocate slowly. It would be an awful way to slowly go.  The cold would hurt my bones, but at least I would fall asleep and not suffer so long.  I could breath also and that would make it a wee bit easier on me i think.I fear not breathing anyway and it would be the worst death I can think of, except burning in a fire.  But there again the heat and not able to breath. No, I'd take the cold.

  27. Cold, because someone in my family had their arm catch on fire while cooking and she said the pain is something so horrible and would never want that to happen again ever. It's a pain that you just can't describe she said.

  28. Definitely cold, I can't stand being too hot, and with the cold you just fall asleep before dying.... obviously with an amount of pain beforehand i imagine

  29. Cold,you get hypothermia and just fall asleep

    Once you no longer feel the cold you're pretty much gone  

  30. I look better in blue than red so I choose cold.  lol

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