
If global Warming.......???

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If Global warming is melting the polar ice caps, and making the oceans rise by many feet, how come the Great Lakes water level is still at an all time low? Why wouldn't the Great Lakes fill up, just as the ocean's are?




  1. global warming wont cause much damage vire rising sea levels. most of which will be due to expanding oceans and not melting ice caps.

    the great lakes are also sourced from the ocean they are watered by rivers so ocean levels rising will just cause damage to the already sensitive ecosystems.

  2. Great question.  Thanks.

    Global warming is a scam.

  3. Bc the sea level is rising as fast as it has for however long we've been measuring it.  I'd say for the past century its been rising 3mm per year.  Not very noticeable.  Anyway there are new studies that show the ice caps in the north pole are melting not only b/c of the earth warming but b/c of natural circulation patterns in the ocean where these ice caps are located.  The same with Greenland's ice melting, there are several hot spots (volcanic activity) underneath the surface of Greenland which is causing the ice to melt at a rapid pace.  I keep hearing of the sun's output degrading very fast in the next 5yrs or so and that the global temp will start to cool again.  I wouldn't worry just yet until they prove that global warming is caused by man, b/c if it is only nature then there's nothing we can do about it.

  4. GW is a Hippocrates bad dream . At this time it is not melting as it is freezing in Texas.

  5. I don't know, however, I do know that my bunny suit is sporting a really soggy bottom right now!  I'm sure that is related to global warming.

  6. Unfortunately they don't tell you the real solution to global warming. If it does exist and is really caused by people then you must eliminate the cause. Which is......people.

  7. The great lakes are at a higher elevation. They drain into the Atlantic ocean by way of the St. Lawrence River.

  8. The Great Lakes are ABOVE  sea level. Any melting of the Arctic ice cap will not effect the Great Lakes. The lakes are receding due to the FACT that they do not freeze over completely,as was the 'norm' for centuries.  Now the  water continues to evaporate during the Winter. Melting of the Polar ice is just one of many terrible things that are occurring! The extremely severe drought in the S.E. US is gonna be a big story very soon,as people begin to migrate from there!  I'm glad that you at least are asking questions about AGW.  It's frightning how ignorant many of the deniers are on here. One just asked if we could make a giant sponge to just soak up the excess meltwater! Another suggested a huge foil reflecter to be put into orbit,to cast a shadow on the Arctic. What that person NEVER learned in school,was the Sun doesn't even shine up there for 6 months at a time!

  9. You're smart.  You're asking questions.  The more you ask, the more you'll find out that the whole concept of global warming is overblown and is nothing more than a normal part of the earth's cycle.  And, by the way, not both ice caps are melting.  Antarctica is actually expanding.

  10. Because the great lakes are all well above sea level therefore are not affected by the melting of glaciers.  However, that is why the great lakes water levels are decreasing.  There is more use of great lakes water, more evaporation of water and less water from rain within the great lakes watershed available.  All suspected to be caused by the global climate change.

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