
If global warming exists, why does Mars have Polar Ice Caps?

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If greenhouse gases destroy the Ozone and the lack of Ozone reduces the atmosphere, and the lack of atmosphere causes global warming and global warming melts the ice caps... How can Mars have polar ice caps if it has no atmosphere?




  1. You have not been well informed on global warming. Ozone has very little to do with global warming, but rather greenhouse gases trap heat. Also mars has an atmosphere, just no oxygen

    I would advise that you read some articles on wikipedia before asking a question like this.

    I hope you get to read this addition. WHile i appreciate your effort to find out the truth here, your reaserch misguided you. YES OZONE IS A GREENHOUSE GAS!, but that is tropospheric ozone that is in the lower part of the atmosphere. The ozone layer and the ozone whole are higher up, in the stratosphere and do not have a large role in the greenhouse effect.

  2. Your first sentence is full of so many misunderstandings it's hard to know where to start.

    1) CO2 (the primary greenhouse gas concerning the current global warming) doesn't destroy Ozone.

    2) Lack of Ozone doesn't "reduce" the atmosphere, it merely allows dangerous wavelengths of light to reach us.

    3) A "lack" of atmosphere (whatever that means) is not the cause of global warming, it's an excessive amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    4) You are right, finally, that global warming does melt ice caps.

    5) Mars does have an atmosphere. It's quite different than ours, but it does exist.

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