
If global warming exists, why is it so cold in places like michigan?

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There have been record snows and cold temperatures, and its still snowing here even though its MARCH. Its a lot colder that it should be, and scientists are atributing this to global warming, but if its getting warmer, why is it so cold?




  1. Global warming was misnamed when it was first discovered. People are thinking about changing the name to rapid climate change or something like that. The first sign of global warming is of course, rapid climate change. It will get very cold in some places, and very warm in others, then two days later it could switch, since there must always be a balance. The next sign will be extreme weather patterns, like huge blizzards one day and then heat waves the next ("The Day After Tomorrow" is more accurate than people think). We could be in store for this if we don't start changing our ways.

  2. I guess you missed the news on what is happening in Antarctica? A large ice sheet (9x size of Manhattan, NY) broke apart. Global warming is real. The water in the oceans are rising and causing the cold weather we have all been experiencing. We are in trouble.

    Curse the republicans for sitting on their hands.

  3. Just one below average winter, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  4. As the planet gets warmer, the atmosphere gets stirred around more vigorously which in turn means more extreme weather, which behaves similure to how liquids act.This can bring down more cold air from the north and south poles and push warm air further up to the north and south poles.Remember,warm air rises and cold air sinks so the lower air is cooler than the air above it but only up to a certain point as the atmosphere is only so thick and the heat can escape out into space.

  5. It's kinda cold here too in Brooklyn. The earth is going through a cooling trend at the moment.

    Nobody can prove that the Antarctic ice sheet broke because of man made global warming.

  6. Its called winter.   It gets cold in winter, especially in Michigan.   Move back to texass.

  7. not necessarily warmer but the climate is changing, random storms and weather etc.. we are just messing up the natural cycle, ive heard peopl saying the the climate will be reversed, others say that the east coast will be a dessert in 20 years, who knows, stories change as they are passed down and the government also wants us to hear certain things, why do you think we are going to have a recession, the government says so? doesnt make sense does it?


  9. the name "global warming" itself suggests that the warming takes place globally,whether it is michigan or any gan.

  10. Global warming doesn't mean its getting warmer everywhere its just the effects of it i guess

  11. its not about like local temprature its about the earth u know the whole things temp. the ice caps are melting and oceans are rising temp has already risen 0.8 degres if we get to 2 were pushing it but if it rises 4,5 or six degress new york would become nothing but a modern day version of the underwater city atlantis think about that

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