
If global warming is REALLY happening, then how come...?

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You hear on the news it was the hottest day on record since 1914, or something like that.

Back in 1914 were people freaking out about the world coming to an end and polar caps melting? Im pretty sure there are natural climate cycles the planet goes through, dont you ever think of that? if it was really global warming, you wouldnt see a temperature super high and then lower for a hundred years, doesnt make sense




  1. In 1914, record temperatures weren't part of a huge trend.  The dates of first and lasts frosts weren't changing, etc.

    Things are very different now.

  2. Actually, early in the 20th century, people were then talking about global warming. Of course it got cold so they switch to global cooling in the 70's, and now we are full circle back to global warming. Give it 10 years, then we can all get a good laugh at the AGW fanatics.

  3. Short term weather changes can be quite large, and overcome global warming on any particular day.  But the long term trend is undeniably up.

    This graph shows it well.  Note that individual years jump around, but the warming trend is constant.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  4. You're talking about local weather, as opposed to global climate.  Local weather is influenced by many factors and has tons of variation.  The planet as a whole doesn't care if your city has a record high temperature in 1914, because your city is one tiny spot on the globe.  It's the global average over a long period of time that matters.

    I think this graph explains it all:

  5. Cause global warming isn't real... Scientists just want to have a something i would call a "Blame toy" over all the climate changes.  Climate has changed in the past and will in the future... SURPRISE! there is nothing unusual about climate change!

  6. It is already a fact that the winter of 2007/2008 is the coldest worldwide in 60 years.

  7. The Theory that Human activity is the primary cause of the supposed recent Global Warming trend is a bunch of bolder-dash !!!

    The  consistent merging of the two separate main premises of ... Global Warming The Event [GWE]... and... Global Warming The Theory [GWT]... into a single premise... Global Warming [GW]... exposes the lack of objectivity and disregard for the Socratic Method by proponents of the bogus unified premise of Global Warming.


    For the GWT to be true regarding the premise that greenhouse gases are causing GWE... upper atmosphere temperatures must have increased... of which they have not.

    Surface temperatures corrected for Urban Heat Island Effect do not indicate an abnormal warming trend during a period in-which atmospheric CO2 has risen.

    The CO2 cycle lags the temperature cycle by as much as 900 years... plus or minus several hundred years... which establishes that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a function of Warming... not a cause.

    Current surface temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations are considerably less than what they were during the Medieval Climate Optimum Period... a period during which the Polar Bears and Mother Earth had fared rather well.

    The first Antarctic explorers wrote of their observing land with flora and fauna in places... a period during which the Polar Bears and Mother Earth had fared rather well.

    Eight thousand years ago there were essentially no glaciers to speak of... a period during which the Polar Bears and Mother Earth also fared rather well.

    Based on the false premise of the GWT proponents that the threats of the GWE mandates that Polar Bears should be put on the Endangered Species List... is utter nonsense... as for their theory to be true... the Polar Bears would have become extinct twice early on in the prior periods were it was much warmer and there was less ice sheet area.

    The premise that higher surface temperatures and higher atmospheric CO2 concentration will have a net bad effect on Flora, Fauna, Humans, and the Earth... is another false premise not supported by any sound credible scientific method... for the scientific evidence indicates otherwise.

    Of the more than twenty computer models used in support of both premises of GWE and GWT... none of them predict actual known present conditions... when known past conditions are programmed into them... which proves them to be only propaganda tools of a Political-Environmental-Media-Theocracy of Orwellian Newspeak magnitude.

    Global Warming Theory has little to do with Science... but rather everything to do with Control... as the French President Jacque Chirac said after the vote on the Kyoto Accord... "This is our first step toward world governance".

    The collective conventional wisdom of the predominant group-think wonks with in the scientific community have consistently been proven wrong over time... especially regarding their dooms-day theories... in the late 60's with their prediction of the end of the world as we know it do to the coming Population Explosion... "didn't happen". in the 70's with their [the Gorical of Tennessee leading the charge] prediction of the end of the world as we know it do to the coming Ice Age... "didn't happen".

    ...Then in the 80's with their [the Gorical of Tennessee again leading the charge] prediction of the end of the world as we know it do to the coming Global Warming Period... of which many of their catastrophic predictions were suppose to come to fruition in the 90's,,, "didn't happen".

    ...Then their dooms-day Y2K prediction of which was absolute bolder-dash from the moment of its inception... "didn't happen''.

    ... and the many global plaque predictions that were creditable... though non-the-less... "didn't happen".

    I could write a tediously long and boring book of scientific group-think run-a-muck do to the near total disregard for the Socratic Method of which Science is suppose to be predicated upon.

    Over 19,000 Scientists have put their reputations on the line by signing the petition at the Oregon Institute of Science... in which states the following...

    ..."We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

    There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth".

    An objective and intellectually honest consideration of sound scientific evidence applied to a... Pascal's [Global Warming Theory] Wager... places the odds in the favor of the nay Sayers... of those Scientists who have signed the OISM petition.

    Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.

    Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off    [1/5]               [2/5]     [3/5]     [4/5]

    Climate Change - Is CO2 The Cause ?       [1/4]       [2/4]      [3/4]     [4/4]

    Past & Future Climate Change      [1/4]           [2/4]     [3/4]           [4/4]

    Why CO2 Cannot Be Blamed For Global Warming

    Evidence CO2 Does Not Cause Dangerous Global Warming

    Global Warming & Sunspots Explained & The Future Predicted

    The Great Global Warming Swindle !



  8. is it really getting hot in here, or is it just me?

  9. Because global warming refers to overal GLOBAL trends in average temperatures--not to local variations in particular locations.

    That's basic to any understanding of weather or climate--why don't the so-called "skeptics" make some effort to get at least a MINIMAL grasp of what they are talking about?

  10. in 1914 they weren't looking to see if there was a trend--they were probably just looking for nostalgia over science.

  11. Global warming is Human caused and NOT natural--at least now.  I wasn't around in 1914 but I know people in 1918 were probably more 'freaked out' about the Influenza pandemic that killed over 40-50 million people around the world.

    I kind of doubt you have seen the film An Inconvenient Truth or read the book, which documents how fossil fuel emissions have risen since 1970 causing the "Greenhouse Effect" trapping heat in the earth.  Because of this the earth has been heating up and is hotter than ever (since meteorological temperatures have been kept), glaciers have melted and are now melting alarmingly faster.  Oceans are heating up and their levels are rising.  Additionally, the extreme droughts and floods the world is seeing are also a result of a hotter planet.

    I am not a scientist, but I have done a lot of research on the subject of climate change.  See my list of links below and I STRONGLY suggest you see the movie An Inconvenient Truth which is available on iTunes and on DVD.

    An off subject P.S: I 'm  a LZ Fan too and their songs/albums are now on iTunes. :-D

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