
If global warming is caused by carbon emissions humans must hot be having much of an effect right?

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Since we only create 3.5% of the carbon emissions on earth the rest is created but volcanoes and other activity.




  1. The fact of the matter is that we've been putting back into the atmosphere billions of tons of carbon dioxide set aside in coal deposits and oil deposits and the result is a very small increase in temperature change worldwide but the effects mostly seen at the poles.  There is no doubt that this cause and effect are related.

    The big problem with this whole issue is that the detractors of carbon dioxide being at fault represent about 1% of the scientific view and most have been paid off by Big Oil.  The 99% view has gotten 50% of the media and the opposing 1% view the other 50% of the media.  It's a shame how easy it is to control your thoughts!

    Many places on our Earth that depend upon a balanced glacial melt for their water such as Los Vegas and central China as well as many more areas will soon do without as the natural glacial balance changes and the glaciers disappear.

    It's probably too late now for much of our Earth and there will be water wars as we run out of oil to power desalination plants at the same time we will most need them.

  2. heh, interesting point.

    I think that humans have added a level of complexity to the carbon cycle by burning fossil fuels for which the earth has no way currently to balance.  Furthermore, with increase in population, lots of rain-forests in Brazil have been reduced to farmland.  Farmland certainly is part of the carbon cycle reducing carbon to Oxygen, but rainforests are better.  So adding 3.5% in carbon emissions is only part of the eqation which humans are impacting negatively.

    3.5% does add up over time if the other side of the equation isn't balanced, or even gets reduced.

    No, I'm not a liberal.  Wake up fellow conservatives, there is SOME truth in the hype.

  3. You can try facts and logic with the self-hating liberal elite.  They've already made up their minds as to what is true and they will not change.

  4. Well there are natural carbon sinks in the environment, which prior to the industrial revolution balanced out the carbon producing things in the environment (volcanoes) etc. The climate has been getting fine tuned for billions of years.

    It doesn't take much to upset that balance. When you think about it 3.5% isn't that small at all.

    Edit: Ernest's answer is excellent I think he explained a little better than I

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