
If global warming is currently happening, why are the temperatures going down?

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hightest temperatures used to reach the 90s in the summer, but now it's only 80s. If there's global warming now, shouldn't the temp. go up?




  1. Global warming applies to the Earth as a whole, not to individual cities or regions.

  2. here's a theory on Global warming

    because of global warming, all the ice on greenland is melting. The ice that is melting is turning into fresh water, which spills into the atlantic ocean. the Atlantic ocean is salt water, and salt and fresh dont mix. This mix stops the El Nino effect, which is a highway through the Atlantic ocean for heat. Since the heat transfer stopped, North America is now expected to fall under another Ice Age

    This Is why the temps are going down.. (sadly)

  3. 50% of the scientific community agree that global warming is actually happening. We used to think the earth was flat, we used to think the universe revolved around the earth. England used to have a climate that supported wineries. The media, being predominately liberal, pushes the global warming scam so they have something to do.

  4. Global warming is a liberals attempt at blaming someone else for the weather... like liberals do.. the blaming game


    In the 1500's this happened as well, hotter- colder 1600's just is a cycle that our planet is on.  Watch the science channel, it is all about debunking the "global warming fanatics"

    It  is scary how much power these people have behind them, they have effected everything from fruit growers to car makers.... scary stuff.. everything is going GREEN

  5. Haven't you heard? Al Gore changed his mind and said that its Global Cooling.

  6. Only the obstinate and determined remain as g/w supporters in the scientific community.  Many scientists who defended g/w at one time now are distancing themselves from the idea.

    Climatologists are weathermen. Environmentalists can be bontanists, biologists, or something along that line.  Some of these believe in global warming for various reasons.  NASA is a space agency, and they've debunked the idea.  So really, who knows for sure that this myth called 'global warming' will someday start to prove itself?

    Keeping current on today's unbiased data is the best way go go.  None of what is happening to date supports g/w, although g/w has carefully aligned itself to reflect natural trends on a short term basis to promote itself.  Wrongly, of course.

    Yes, after all this time if global warming existed there would definitely be some warming up around the world.  It just ain't happening.  Those who say it's starting in the ice caps should brush up on their scientific history, and see that this has always happened and always will.  They will freeze again soon enough on their own.  It's not global warming.

  7. Its really more of a CLIMATE CHANGE that is occurring, and global warming is part of this. Warming and cooling are regional events. In some places around the world, global warming is occurring. This can be observed up in the Arctic and Antarctic where polar ice caps are melting. Other places are seeing a global COOLING, and from your observation, temperature is going down. But I believe that GLOBAL temperature averages are on the rise due to the increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

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