
If global warming is not good, what is the alternative?

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please explain how it is also better...




  1. The alternative is keeping Earth in it's natural state. Because of the greenhouse gases we're emitting (it's not just us... I heard the #1 or #2 cause of either global warming or holes in the ozone layer are cow farts), Earth's becoming unbalanced. Polar icecaps, for instance, are melting, according to those who believe in Global Warming. I'm neutral.

  2. Space exploration springs to mind

  3. Not disturbing the overall balance of the planet. It is better because it means that we won't have any chance of causing our apocalypse.

    The person who explained why we should care about Global Warming best is George Carlin and it is something like this: We are not destroying the planet, we are changing it. The planet was here long before we were here and it is gonna be here long after. All the people that care about "saving the planet" really only care about saving themselves. This planet is never gonna die but we all can.

  4. It's not the "us" that is being threatened but wildlife and natural habitats. The warming of the earth is affecting animals and CORAL(Which are made up of organisms). but the atrocities people are committing that are really killing the earth's environment, is cutting down rainforests, over-fishing, dumping waste into the oceans, etc.

  5. Stability.

    The modern infrastructure we've developed over the past century is quite dependent on a stable environment and climate.  If the sea-level rises very much, many large population centers could be in trouble.  If precipitation patterns change, due to increased heat, extended drought in currently productive agricultural areas could occur.  Water supply systems around the world are dependent on the slow steady supply of water coming down from glaciers.

    So while there is no such thing as a perfect temperature or climate, the one we experience throughout most of the 20th century is about as ideal for our continued prosperity as any.

  6. we must have renewable energy and the ability to end imported oil. With the peak of oil, GW look like an old threat. But where we can get many good outcomes like small hydro electric power plants. Then we can work on the new electric cars, electric trains and electric airplanes.

  7. Global cooling?

    Global stasis is not really possible since the global warming nuts talk in tenths of a degree.

    Think about global cooling for a while and think hard.  Is that what you want??

  8. The interesting part of this debate is that man started measuring temp at a low (Little Ice Age). We should rejoice that the temp has risen since then.

    Man and most life on this planet thrive in warmer climate.

  9. Global warming is going to happen since we are exiting an ice age.    Its just the speed at which its happening that is the problem.    Humans only add a hundred billion tons or so of CO2 to the air each year, but that is tipping the scale from what would naturally occur over a long period to a very short period in terms of planetary change.

  10. Since global warming is a natural feature of the planet (there is NO alternative), the choice amounts to who controls the setting on my central AC unit:  Me or the environmentalists/socialists.

  11. I was just going for some hobbies-tic research on global warming and this is what I found:

    Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  12. sorry there is no global warming

  13. Maybe an Ice Age!  Imagine Chicago under 3 miles of solid ice!

  14. The alternative is to stop the temperature from continuing to rise - or at least slow it down.  The hope is that this would lessen the likelihood of warm oceans creating more & more massive hurricanes and destroying people's homes/lives - stop the polar ice caps from melting, so the oceans won't rise so high that coastal & island communities go underwater - and to hopefully protect various species from becoming extinct because they cannot survive in the warmer temperatures.  It's all a theory of course, but I tend to believe something is going on...I live in a community where for the last 25 years we've been socked in with fog every morning during the the last 3 summers there's been NONE...makes me suspicious.

  15. its not a question of alternative. if global warming is indeed happening, the lives of tens of species are in immediate danger. the eventual melting of the polar ice caps will cause dramatic spikes in sea levels. this will lead to a surge in water related catastrophes, significantly more hurricanes and possibly tsunamis.

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