
If global warming is real, than why is it freakin freezing outside right now where I live?

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If global warming is real, than why is it freakin freezing outside right now where I live?




  1. I hate to inform you of this, but global warming is done and we are going to start getting colder again (I'm not refering to the seasons, for you edgits out there who solidly believe our planet is still warming up.) This winter was colder than last winter and I expect next winter will be colder than this one. And so on.

    Edit: I see the idiots don't realize that freezing cold temperatures up North in the winter are supposedly normal. (I say supposedly, because I'm only thinking about the 42 years that I lived up here in MInnesota.)

  2. Are you in the Northern latitudes?

    if so I guess it is freezing because it is WINTER

    Outside of where you live, most of the planet is nice and warm, just right for life to survive, as maintained by Gaia's feedback systems

    Mankind has sabotaged many of these feedback systems (forests, corals, planktons...), so expect all sorts of wild fluctiations, like removing a govenor from a steam engine while stokeing the fires.

  3. No doubt!

  4. Freezin yer keister off is Global Warming... so is flooding.

    Giant ants and Gila monsters will arrive shortly... your children will take one puff and become homocidal monsters... the only solution is to hide under our nuclear bomb proof school desks.

  5. Overall global warming causes climate change.  That's the big problem, weather will be more SEVERE.  Meaning when it's cold, it's going to be d**n cold.  When it's hot, it's really freakin' hot and bla, bla, bla.  

    So watch out cuz whatever weather you're use to it'll just be worse.

    Rain - it'll be downpours and floods

    Hurricanes - stronger and more damaging

    Snow - blizzards

    Ice - hunker down til the thaw

    Tornado - not one but  dozen

    Cold - frozen

    Hot - melting and miserable

  6. haha my sis is in michigan right now and she just said the same thing =p

  7. It gets cold in the winter.

  8. Ya those genius weather men are at it again.....Maybe once they get my 3 day forecast correct i will start believing their GW forecasts.

  9. Global warming effects overall world temperature by a relatively small amount. But even a small overall change can drastically change the balance.This means that winter will still be cold. In fact, due to changes in weather patterns some places may even get temporarily colder than usual even though the entire globe is increasing in overall temperature. It is cold where you live primarily because this is winter.

  10. It's all about jet streams!  The jet stream feeding the northern USA is first going to the Arctic to pick up cold air - but the jet stream coming into the south is picking up equatorial heat.

    See Here:

    Mikira is right - at this point we may be headed for a Solar Minimum and freezing temperatures?

    Solar Minimums:

  11. Short term weather in one place can overpower global warming - for a short time.  But long term we're going nowhere but up, until we take serious action.

    This graph shows it nicely.  Some years are unusually warm (1998), some unusually cold (1999).  But the long term trend is undeniable, unless you reject science and data (some do).

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

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