
If global warming is real what's causing it to snow in Atlanta?

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If global warming is real what's causing it to snow in Atlanta?




  1. Answer to your Question:

    You should not use weather as a question to create a response. The climate and long term warming and cooling cycles are the main concerns. They are going to have a field day making fun of your question, sorry.

    The problem is that scientists on both sides that have very different opinions.  Both sides all generally agree that the earth is definitely still warming now. They just strongly disagree on who and/or what is causing it.

    There is compelling evidence on both sides.

    Global warming is the prediction from a large number of Scientists that Humans are causing the earths climate and GHG's to climb beyond what would occur naturally. They generally contend that it will lead to the Destruction of our Planet from AGW(Anthropogenic Global Warming).

    There is also a large number of Scientists that predict that the earth is simply in a warming cycle and that we humans have a small effect (if any) on the climate changes. They generally do not refer to this warming as Global Warming.

    Even though technically it is.

    They do not claim the doom & gloom but both sides agree we MUST recycle when possible and conserve our natural resources and preserve our natural habitat.

    The term global warming is more of a political term and is misleading. For the most part everyone agrees that we are warming up gradually the big and I mean big question is why and what and/or who is causing it?

    There may be evidence that the earth is warming, but no real scientific fact to support why it is.

    Most articles from both sides are just articles that base little on fact and more on short term evidence.

    I think for the most part, the discussion on (Global Warming) is much like our modern day court system. Both sides just try to prove their side with hundred of websites all claiming to disprove the other, or no real proof. Both sides have extreme activists. Money and politics are major players, and the right thing or the moral thing to do is not high on the priorities list.

    The only difference from our court system is that the global warming issue has no short term answer that would be equivalent to jury and /or Judge.. only time holds our future or fate. I would keep in mind that either side may be found to be wrong.

    I believe we have a responsibility to conserve energy, preserve our environment and recycle everything that is feasibly possible.

    I do not believe that we are causing a doom & gloom warming catastrophe. I do know that we need to prepare now by conserving energy, preserving nature and preparing for the next climate change (whether it continues to heat up or we start into another cooling cycle).

    You can generally tell the AGWers apart they tend to use terms like never, always, refuse, destroy and disaster. The use of these terms show a very closed minded person.

    We try our best not to label people as idiots. Most AGW'ers don't like being called names.

  2. Neopia.

  3. If you are real, why aren't you more intelligent. I say that with all due respect.

  4. lol.......our weather men........! Mother nature at warming doesn't dictate to nature or universal laws.

  5. Hmm. You do know that local weather isn't even remotely the same thing as global climate, right?

  6. If Global warming or cooling starts we will be breaking all kinds of records , that have lasted for a hundred years or more.

  7. God of course :)

  8. The ironic answer could be... global warming. It will make the winters MORE severe in some places. I've lived in Wisconsin for the past 30 years, and it IS getting warmer on average - winters are milder and summers are hotter, but it sure is cold right now!

  9. You need to distinguish between a general long term global trend and the short term weather situation.  With due respect I think you would find it hard to argue that Atlanta was the world! But the change in climate where I live is very noticeable.  The winters are shorter and warmer.  

    The US environment protection agency is working with similar organsations around the world to measure and compute mean figures.

    One link is at

  10. when al gore said "global warming", he really meant "climate change".

    climate change is the new buzz means "we have no fu*king idea whats going on here, but we will tax you to death anyway and make you change the way you live with new laws"

  11. Its wintertime.  And this isn't a bad snowstorm--even for Atlanta.

  12. bmwr606 for President! We have found our leader folks!

  13. Weather.  This is climate.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  14. It's called winter weather.

    There is no 'if'.  Global warming is real.  You can see it right here:

  15. That is just weather and not climate, global warming refers to the increasing climate of the whole world.

  16. All of the hot air is massing around the tiny minority of people who believe in global warming, leaving the rest of us to deal with the cold.

  17. LOL. Funny question my friend. That is one of the many ways global warming is fake.

  18. The key part of your question would be the word GLOBAL. Have you noticed that it is not called Atlanta warming? Thats because global means the entire planet. Do not confuse local weather with a global event. Maybe if you thought of climate change you may realise that if your weather is a bit odd it could also be odd in other places too??

  19. Global warming doesn't completely prevent it from snowing.

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