
If global warming is so bad, why is it mid april and it is still snowing in WI?

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Gore= climate fear monger. Will the Dems follow this horrible idea without proving its value???




  1. Oh no!! Did we forget to send out the memo, we should call it climate change now instead of global warming, that way no matter what the weather does we can say that it is proof of our theory.

  2. Just so you know, WI does not represent THE ENTIRE PLANET.

  3. You ever work or play the stock market?   When I started the Dow Jones was around 2000.   Every day there are ups (warm) and downs (cool) for different companies (regions).    The general trend was up (warmer) though.   There were some abnormalitieis like oct. '87 and september 01 (this winter), but the trend continued up after these slight delays.   The Dow is now around 12,000 after the average cost of all the companies shares has risen (most regions are warmer now).

  4. really? it's 90 degrees here

  5. its freakin cold here to , and its supposed to freeze tommorow night and i live in oklahoma , another reason globla warming is b.s.

  6. Wow, I cannot believe some people would categorize global warming as a mere poltical issue! Do you think the democrats came up with the idea of global warming? Anyway, to try and shed some light about your question, nature is perfect, and is all about balance.  Longer and harsher winters are simply the best way for Mother Nature to fight the excessive warming of the planet.  The worse the warming gets, the stronger the hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis and winter events in order to try and balance things out...

  7. Did you hear warm is now cold they switched the definitions around

  8. Hey just because WAL-MART puts out swimsuits dose not mean it is Summer! Living in WI. for many years it snowed many times. We have even seen it in May! However weather is changing all over the world and we are correct to stay aware of the possible consequences! I think some are going a bit overboard but I don't think we should ignore the world around us either.

  9. my opinion=were heading towards another ice age, no global warming in near sight

  10. The cool winter is caused by La Nina. If you payed attention your local weather broadcasts you would know that. (This is a blog kept by a Norther Illinois news channel.)

    You can debate the climate change and global warming all you want. One thing will still be constant whether it is real or not-- we are running out of natural resources and making the earth's ecosystems unstable. Our pollution is killing species. The earth could never shift in temperature, but that still is a fact.

    A good example is the Florida Panther.

    "Estimated at fewer than 100 adults and subadults in the only known breeding population (South Florida)."

    Yes. We did that, and we're doing more damage every day. Steps should be taken to preserve our planet no matter the cause, propaganda, or political affiliation.

    We need renewable energy and to consume less. That's the bottom line.  People should stop debating whether Global warming is real and take it as an opportunity to try and change the damage that we know we have done.

    Even if we are right and it is real, most people won't believe it until it's too late. If we continue to consume in the way we do and continue to contribute to industrialization as well as urban sprawl we will cause harm to the earth and it's ecosystems.

    The earth is not some infinite object that will expand and produce as much as we think we need. Everything has limits, and someday we will run out.

  11. I've heard a lot of people ask similar questions this winter. Remember, we're not just dealing with global warming, but the climate in general is changing patterns, and yes, that means having winter-like weather when it should be spring time. It is important that we don't point to examples like this and say that global warming is a fraud. And please don't try to politicize this issue, it has nothing to do with government, and a lot to do with morals.

  12. Just one below average winter, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

    Forget Al Gore.  But these guys are the best scientists in our country.  They say it's real, and mostly caused by us.  McCain listens to them, not to Gore.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  13. That's a very good question.  Here are a few facts that may help you understand the severity of global warming.  Glaciers comprise a very large amount of water and many are already receding (due to melting).  An increase in temperature can cause even faster melting leading to an increase in ocean level.    There are endemic species around the world that are temperature sensitive.  

    Now, I will break away from fact and give you a theory.  Studies show that before each ice age there was a global warming event (You may remember the major motion picture about such).

    Global warming is a serious issue though it may not seem like it from our current perspective.  The biggest problems culminating from it are expected to become critical many years from now.  Why even care some may ask?  Because its our mess and we shouldn't leave it for someone else to clean up or live with.

  14. ^^^^^^^^

    Just because its cold by you doesnt meen the other side of the world is.


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