
If goats could fly where do you think they would travel to?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious to know what everyone thinks.




  1. goat heaven.

  2. to a mountain?

  3. tall mountains with grass hehe

  4. far off landfills so they could nibble on garbage

  5. to Goat City, LOL!

  6. Wisconsin, the cheese state!

  7. i think they wood travel to any mountain with grass to eatand keep flying to different ones to like every day because ther so territorial! =]

  8. no one knows

  9. this is one of the stupidest questions on this whole f-ing site

  10. To find a billboard with a cow and whip some beef tail.

    Everyone knows the whole barnyard hates the cows since they turned  into traitors and sold-out the chickens!!!

  11. The Alps. I think all goats would love to be there.

  12. mars

  13. to your mom's silly!

  14. Disney World of course.

  15. Far away :]

  16. The goats I knew all loved to have fun. They would climb in carts, and have you chase them around. I think they would fly to where there was food and things to play with, and where humans were kind to them and appreciated their sense of humor.

  17. the mountains!

  18. uranus LOL tht was funny

  19. if i was a goat i would  whant to go to the alps just to look cool and be in movies :Þ

  20. goat world, duhh

  21. They'll fly to the Hog's Head, because Aberforth Dumbledore was summoning them :p

  22. Are you on crack?  MY GOD some of the questions here are retarded.

  23. everest or the closest trash dump in the city..............

  24. I would Oregon because everything is green over there!

  25. i think they would kill the rancher

  26. MISSISSIPPI....all goats dream of brainer...

  27. why, the little blighters would most assuredly all fly to my yard and demolish it!

  28. uhhhhh A place?????? well i dont really imagine goats flying...=D

  29. to the wide open, rich green, bountiful fields , on the mountain sides of australia.

    Far away from the ignorance of humans.

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