
If god exists why do people starve in 3rd world countries?

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Someone answered this question before and said "Their spiritual needs are more important than their physical needs"........

So that guy thought you should give starving and homeless people a bible instead of food?!?

Correct me if im wrong but they need food and shelter not a religion to sort their problems out.




  1. Because God said toil the earth.  What are they waiting for?

    Help them by teaching them how to farm.  Otherwise all they learn to do is wait for the handout.  I'm not being insenitive, it's just part of normal behavior.  If they wait long enough the food truck arrive.  Ethiopia is now growing coffee and planted over a billion Eucalyptus trees for harvesting wood for paper pulp.  Plans can work and they do work.

  2. I don't have any great personal answer to this question. Some would claim that God created us, but doesn't dictate our lives. Non-interference. We could feed a whole colony of ants by dropping a bread crumb, but we don't. They have their own life and their own direction.

    Personally though, I tend to think that instead of God being a human-like being centered in a sense of self (ego), that God is more like an omnipresent energy and awareness. That God is in me, is in you, is in every form of life, is part of the very makeup of every seemingly non-living object and item, or element. This way, God experiences both the dysfunction of a wrong doer and the suffering of a victim. God is in our every moment of suffering and our every moment of joy, he is us, our feelings, thoughts, our realizations and yet he is greater than all of them alone, on all sides.

    That's just how I feel about it. God doesn't take sides, God just is and so are we.

  3. The GREEDY people over there are the ones not helping!!

  4. in the name of religion this is the most sucessful  bussiness in the world plp like pope and etc they  want their stuff and care about nobody

    come on dude do u plp still belive in god which no one has seen the scientist have crossed earth and went thill mars they see no god in the sky the earth is polluted 70 time its size in the atmospher may be god died due to pollution hahahahaha

    come on guy we can make a difference in this world not god

    christ dide 2000 years ago nothing happen till now and it will never happen stop waiting for christ  and start doing ur work if possible help some in need that is humanity .humanity is the only word i belive in  

  5. Have you ever read Revelations? Every thing bad that happens in this world is supposed to happen. God does not lie, if you read and can understand the prophetic words of Revelations, then you will know that every thing happens for a reason. we just don't know what that reason is.

  6. they need an army of christians to go and show them how to get water and grow food  and heal the sick -some r trying to help but there is not enough helping them- most of it is the cause of greed and by their own leaders- their own leaders make it hard for anyone to help them

  7. People starve in 3rd world countries because we have created food as a commodity instead of a neccesity.Blaming God is a cop out.If your neighbours were hungry and had for whatever reason no money to buy food and you knew it..would you help your neighbours?Or would you say...not my fault..let God help them.

    Too many people sit in their complacent ignorance and expect a hand from this concept they have of God.

    Look at all the Religions from the Roman Catholic Chuch..The Church of England.Look at the wealth and land and assets they have yet there are people right now starving and homeless who need the help that Christ offered and these people who run these institutions do nothing.Open up the chuches to those who need shelter.provide food for those who go hungry.If Jesus were here today would he be sat in a palace in Rome surrounded by wealth whilst people die?

    Man is to blame not God.We all know that yet we ignore it.This world is in for a shock of monumentous porportions soon.believe me and I am no rapture freak or apocalyst.The signs are there to see.

  8. The best answer they can give is, "its gods will", which to me is the biggest cop out in the Universe.

  9. It means that if god exists, he isn't a nice god.

    But god doesn't exist, so stop asking silly questions.  

  10. The Dominican Republic and Haiti share the same Island.  One country is prosperous and the other is ravaged by terrible poverty.

    Wanna know why, I think.....Type and style of governments.  The Dominican Republic is a democracy and Haiti was enslaved by Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier for years and their government has been in turmoil since Baby Doc left while The Dominican government has been stable promoting freedom..God has nothing to do with it

  11. i'm from third world country, and I'll try to answer you:

    yes there are many people starve, then it will be the responsibility of any religion to help them, (not just give food, it's useless you have to empower them)

    if their leaders do what their religion told them to, then the situation should have been better (the corruption are very high in the third world country, and it's against religion)  

  12. If YOU exist why do people starve in 3rd world countries?

  13. They were born into the wrong religion. Its their own fault.


  14. Isaiah 40:11. He will feed his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the lambs in his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and will gently lead those that have their young.

    Are they following Him?  

  15. God helps whoever he wants.

  16. Because the atheist dictators in those countries don't allow humanitarian aid to reach the starving people.  Why do atheists defend those dictators and justify what they're doing, choosing instead to place the blame on God?  

  17. God gives you the tools to help yourself. He also asks the rest of us to help those in need, and as someone stated above, that isn't always possible. Do you want God to drop food from the sky? It doesnt happen that way.  

  18. I hear this question over and over again.  I am not Christian, nor any form of, but I have respect for those beliefs.  I think it's mean-spirited to attack those who believe in something that is all about doing well for others.  I know that there is a stereotype that all those who believe in God are close-minded people who only live to convert others to their religion - and it is just that, a stereotype, a connotation brought about by a mere fraction of the population that share the same beliefs.  

    I see that you neglected to mention the thousands of missionaries who travel to third world countries to help the people there, at their own risk.  They are not forced to go, they go because they believe it is the right thing to do.  

    I believe that is an admirable way to live.  

    A Christian friend of mine said once that she was God's hands, that her belief helped him help the world.  


  19. Christianity itself is selfish since everything it does is self preservation. Christians are the viruses' hosts. Same for any religion.

  20. We cannot neglect either.

    Feed them.

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