
If god is sooo strong and mighty like you claim, then why cant he defeat satan?

by Guest65424  |  earlier

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just wondered




  1. Satan has iron chariots.

  2. God is strong.

    Satan is defeated.

  3. Hi hi,

    You said,  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂNo i think reading the whole bible would actually dumb me down“

    Are you claiming that you are not of good quality, and that any cognitive activities will make you dumb?

    Err. . . poor little sweet thing.  Anyway, there are many great mind that reads bible.  eg. CS Lewis,

    Or you want to try this site?

    Sorry, back to the main issue, yes God can, and is in his time.  Uncle Satan know that too.

  4. Assuming there is a satan...

  5. if you can't read the entire Bible, you just need to be familiar with the story of Job.

    (besides, it's not God's job to defeat satan, it's yours. if you can ward off the urge to do bad things to other people while being able to forgive others for the bad things they do to you, you'd be a saint hehe)

    x )  

  6. We have no answer revealed to us in the Bible.  But it seems that from the accounts of the three times when we hear Satan speak, once in Genesis 3, in Job the first couple of chapters, and in Matthew when Christ is being tempted, that there is an agreement or some kind of equation that is between the two, God and Satan.  In Genesis and Job, we see that God is in complete control, but limits Satan in what he can do and how much.  God, also, limits Himself on how much He allows Himself to influence this physical world.  

    When Christ was on the earth, the influence of Satan was great too with possessions and demons.  Now, though, Satan has been bound and can only tempt us.   God, too, is not seen in miracles.  We have the Bible to study and Satan to tempt us.  

    Perhaps, as in the three times we hear of Satan speaking, Satan is slandering us to God, saying "Even though you told them all about you, they will not believe".  

  7. If yo are sooooo smart, have you read the entire bible cover to cover? You will find your answer within that book.

  8. why did he have to create a satan to begin with?

  9. God is a coward and has Satan do his dirty work.

  10. Don't pick holes, it's unfair.

  11. Simply because it is not a fight between God and Satan, God basically sent Satan to test humans . Know for Athiests it is hard to believe, but I think it is even more harder to believe that the whole universe came out all by chance... that sounds more odd !!

  12. He can actually defeat Satan; it's just that He set certain time for every event, and He'll do according to His plan.

  13. Stupid Christians with your whole God vs. Satan story.  How is that different from Superman vs Lex Luthor.  Or Godzilla vs Mothra?

    Do you Xtians still struggle with putting square pegs in round holes?  Do you use a grade school dictionary when you look up words?  I bet yall follow lame shows like Grey's Anatomy or American Idol.  Brainless degenerates.  Christians walk around in a stupor, never able to reach a full understanding of life.

  14. obviously god WANTS satan to do what hes doing.

    why else would satan still be around?

    god must let him do all the things he does...

  15. God's meant to be all-powerful and all-knowing according to many believers until it suits them to claim otherwise

    God made Satan and yet God is also evil and maybe more then Satan, also God needs Satan as a distraction from god's evil

  16. in His own good time, He definitely will...the end of days perhaps, if you'd's in the Bible.

  17. Because God is a loser and won't do anything for humanity, that's why.

    He's such a lazy non-existent being.

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