
If god made heaven, then where is heaven now?

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i just wondering if heaven is in the sky? is it? so where is heaven in mention in the Old Testament in Holy Bible.




  1. God lives in Heaven (capital 'H'). Heaven, like God, has always existed.  God did not create Heaven. It is outside of that which we consider "the space-time continuum". Being outside of "time-space", Heaven is not a "where".  We can not go there in our physical form.  We must pass from physical to spiritual, which we call Physical Death.

    God created the heavens (small 'h') which includes space (the universe), the sky, and the atmosphere.  God also created the 'firmaments' (land masses), and 'waters' (oceans, lakes, rivers).

    God does not live in 'the heavens' (small 'h'). God does not live in our time-space. He did, at one time, in the person we called "Jesus".  Jesus lived in our time-space, and experiencd everything that we experience -- birth, growing up, hunger, sickeness, tiredness, lonliness, happiness, temptations,. and above all, love.  Jesus, being fully human, is well familiar with all that we experience.  

    But Jesus, also being fully God, has allowed God to also experience everything that we have experienced,  God is fully sympathetic to our feeligns and emotions, have had those feelings and emotions Himself, in the person of Jesus.

    God therefore nevers asks anything of us that He himself has not or would not have done.  When He asks us to make personal sacrifices, it is because He knows that we are fully capable of doing it, and He himself has done it before.

  2. Is it some where in outerspace. [Isaiah 13:5]

  3. It seems like a pretty darn strange coincidence, doesn't it, that we use the word "heaven" to speak of a magical place, yet "heavens" means the sky. Doesn't it seem most reasonable to assume that back in the primitive days they thought heaven was in the clouds, literally?

    1. the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life.

    2. (initial capital letter) Often, Heavens. the celestial powers; God.

    3. a metonym for God (used in expressions of emphasis, surprise, etc.): For heaven's sake!

    4. heavens,

    a. (used interjectionally to express emphasis, surprise, etc.): Heavens, what a cold room!

    b. (used with a singular verb) a wooden roof or canopy over the outer stage of an Elizabethan theater.

    5. Usually, heavens. the sky, firmament, or expanse of space surrounding the earth.  

  4. Naturally, this place is held to exist, not within the earth, but, in accordance with the expressions of Scripture, without and beyond its limits.Heaven seems to span all those dimensions-and more. So heaven is not confined to one locality marked off by boundaries that can be seen or measured. It transcends the confines of time/space dimensions. We don't need to speculate about how this can be; it is sufficient to note that this is how Scripture describes heaven. It is a real place where people with physical bodies will dwell in God's presence for all eternity; and it is also a realm that surpasses our finite concept of what a "place" is.  

  5. if you ask a better and more reasonable question like where is God? then the answer is in heaver, but if you ask where is heaven then you are confused. heaven is another state of existence, no mortal man can enter with their bodies. heaven is not in this visible universe is outside it.

  6. Fake. Don't put much thought to it

  7. God's know's . Does it really matter where it is. You can only get their if you find the truth. Don't bother asking these question it will get you no where,  

  8. Apparently it is in the red square nebula on it's way to Earth.  

  9. Heaven is a fully stocked wine cellar.Beatles and zombie movies forever!!!

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