
If god was imaginary, would we still have all these thousands of mutually exclusive religions?

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If god was imaginary, would we still have all these thousands of mutually exclusive religions?




  1. Yes, belief was selected for in evolution; that is , it served some purpose to believe hat gave the believers a reproductive advantage

  2. There are only a handful of faiths out there.

    And they point in one direction  > > > > > >  God.

    God love you!

  3. What mutually exclusive religions? They are very different in most every way.  

  4. Good question.  Perhaps the fact that human beings long to believe there is Someone Greater than us Out There Somewhere is some sort of proof that a Supreme Being of some sort actually exists.  Maybe our vision or version of God is simply too small and what Deity really is is so far beyond our comprehension that we would rather believe It not exist at all.


    Maybe I'm on to something here?

  5. That's the exact state of the world today.

  6. answer: Because Christianity carried a sword along with a cross and terrorized a lot of people.  Then it used political power to convert everyone else.  

    answer: there are a lot of religions, some MUCH older than Xianity - does that mean they're real?  I think so.

  7. We would if the Christians and Muslims hadn't tried to conquer everyone around them and bullied everyone else to believe their religion.

  8. 1) he is

    2) we do

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