
If god were real ( in my opinion he isn't )?

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Do you think he would ever think " wow, there's so many people who don't believe in me, what can I do to make them believe"? Or do you think he thinks " If they don't believe in me, they will perish" Is this how god works?




  1. Martin's constant scriptural rants do nothing. If he can't answer for himself, I wish he'd just watch and stop wasting space.

    Tom Robbins had that in "Jitterbug Perfume", where the Centaur was disappearing because fewer and fewer people believed in him.

  2. The first one you mentioned is actually much closer to the truth. It is called the Baha'i Faith (founded 1844). If it is time for world peace, then it is time for the Baha'i Faith.

    But in a more real sense, I suggest it is more like, "Once again man screwed up a perfectly good religion. About time I sent someone to straighten them up again. I wish the Christians and Muslims would pay some attention to the Atheists and adopt some of their very good ideas and quit thinking they are better than everyone else. Maybe this time I will just send someone for everyone so even the Atheists will have good reason to believe. I am more tired of all the fighting than even the most peace-loving human."


    The Jews await the Messiah, the Christians the return of Christ, the Moslems the Mahdi, the Buddhists the fifth Buddha, the Zoroastrians Shah Bahram, the Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna, and the Atheists - a better social organization! Baha'u'llah represents all these, and thus destroys the rivalries and the enmities of the different religions; reconciles them in their primitive purity, and frees them from the corruption of dogmas and rites.

    (Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v1, p. vii)

  3. Depends on which deity you're referring to. The vast majority wouldn't make an issue of it. You can believe what you wish.  

  4. God loves you. Draw your own conclusion from that.

  5. Are you worried? Because if you don't truly believe in God then why even bother asking the question.

  6. Both your depictions are correct.  God showed His amazing love by sending His Son to die for us.  What more can He do?  That answers the first part.  If you reject His Son, you will perish because God is life and to reject life is death.  That's the second part.

  7. " If they don't believe in me, they will perish"

  8. If God were real, He would think there are a lot of dimwits that adhere to christianity, when science has a much better understanding of life.

  9. If he existed he may be stranger than we are capable of imagining... Like maybe we're a nice little experiment for him, or worse: amusement: a toy, or something like television. Then he/she/them/it might not care how we feel about him/etc.

  10. For a start. He is real, I believe so, anyway!

    Secondly, He always tries to bring His children home. He wants us to believe, but He wants us to do it willingly, without Him having to force us.

    He loves you and just wants you to come home.

    EDIT: Harold - It confuses me that some people DON'T get so crazy about it!

  11. if god were real (i think not) he'd surely have ditched us humans a long time ago.

  12. God is DEFINITELY real (i mean look around you - there's proof of Him everywhere). and no, the Lord is NEVER surprised at anything - He created the universe and controls everything. God wants everyone to believe in Him, but its our choice whether we choose to accept him as our Saviour, or reject Him and spend an eternity in h**l.

  13. *IF* he was real and so just, as christians claim, he would check him self in to a nearest police station and be put up front of court of law.

    Then, sentenced to a billion consecutive life sentences in prison.

  14. This is a parallel process to how some missionaries work and think. But I don't think God is into playing these games, because he doesn't exist. It's clear that humans made these scenarios

  15. Hi Donna, sad u ask a simple Q's and get strange replies. God is not happy with the way we are living, and no he doesn't want anyone to perish, why he sent his son, to try and prevent us from perishing, not going to happen though, when u look at what he did, the miracles he performed, right there for all to see, and they still crucified him, we are a strange species, when things are going good, it's me that has done this, and when things go bad, it's I hate God, look at what he has done to me. God is ever hopeful we will all come to know him.

    Time will tell

  16. God is real and no mere human mind can comprehend Him.

  17. No,you cant choose to believe for salvation,you must be born again.You may believe there is a God in the physical but you cant believe unto salvation in the spiritual.Man is spiritually dead,so he must be spiritually resurrected.

  18. I'd have thought that it wouldn't matter about belief

    I'd have thought opposing bigotry and stuff was more important

  19. John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  17  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  18  "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.  

    19  And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  20  For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.  21  But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

  20. Well He is real and He loves you for the good things you have done. Just like John 3:16 says:

    16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

    It is true that He loves sinners and He loves us a Christians. But no.... that is not how God works. It's your choice about what to belive in. Just read the Bible and you'll understand.

  21. That is why I could never become religious...

    I just can't believe any of this bullocks..


    and it confuses me enormously that people can become so crazy about it.

  22. I not getting into you right or your wrong thing right now but if you are trying to make Believers say " oh your right I must be stupid for thinking that God is real"  then you are wasting your time.

    The bible talks about faith and that you are saved through faith and faith is what you cannot see or prove.  The bible also talks about the gates of Heaven being narrow and I interpret that as meaning that there will be a lof of people not entering the gates of heaven and that might be because of their faith or lack of faith.

    and lastly if you read the book of revelation and it is a hard book of the bible to read and understand and one part of it basically says that every head will bow believer and non believers alike. So maybe according to your question there will be a day when God will let everyone know who he is but for some it will be too late.

  23. god lets us decide and make our own designss based on our actions we are categorizeded as good or bad if you belive in god you will do the right things and if you dont thee will beconsequencess at the end and rewardss such s heven and h**l

    can sum 1 answer my Q pls help

  24. If God were real, he'd be all like "I'm God, I don't need to bow down to any non-atheist human, pffft."

    If he were real, he'd definitely bow to atheists.  Everyone, including God, is impressed by us and our super brain power.  That's one reason I know he isn't real or he'd bow down to me like he should!

    I'm Atheist!

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