
If god will come and every knee will bow.....?

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What about amputees?

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  1. sorry, not the point.

    and your not funny!

    mockers stir up a nation.

  2. You must live a lonely empty life.

  3. very funny.


    i've never seen an amputee regenerate a limb due to prayer

  5. All will bow his/her heart and surrender to the Lord.

  6. when jesus comes. we will all be restored to perfection.

  7. Swing and a miss!

  8. Knee-bowing is a metaphor for surrendering to the Lordship of Christ.

  9. They'll go to Wal-Mart and buy fake knees. Then they will bow.

    If they are quadruple-amputees, well then they are out of luck.

  10. in a persons resurrected body they will bow the knee and confess jesus is lord.

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