
If going Gree means going natural, why does everything "GREEN", cost so much more?

by Guest62532  |  earlier

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Anyone can put Organic on anything and the word alone means $$$$.




  1. It costs  average of additional 50% of "NON GREEN"  to get "GREEN" according to CNBC report.

    As our crude oil price has hit $117+ per barrel, our food price has  been skyrocking during the past months while we do not see any sign of relief.

    I believe we should hold those left-wing environmentalists responsible for the problems this country  faces today.

    It is them who forbid exploring oil drilling in Alaska, Florida coast line, ...

    It is them who are against building additional oil refinery plants in this country

    It is them who are against building neclear power plants

  2. Seacrh on Google

  3. theres your answer. $$$$

  4. how much people do you think buy it?

    incourage more and more people to buy it. and well, you can go green by planting the seeds inside fruits you buy.

    happy earth day!!!

  5. Many times people confuse the term going green, with the phrase organic.  The term going green means simply to reuse recycle and the cost of doing so is very expensive.  But as more people use recycling as an alternative the more likely the cost will go down.  One thing about mankind that I like is the fact that over time we tend to get better at what we do, one day these green practices will be streamlined and very efficient.  Thus the cost goes down.  Organic simply means that it is grown naturally without genetic manipulation, or any kind of alterations caused by man.  It is believed by many people that organic grown foods are much healthier for you.  The plain truth is we are all guinea pigs the minute we take and eat those genetically manipulated foods.  We do not know the long term consequences of what those foods can or will do to us.  You are what you eat just keep that in mind.  Thank you!

  6. because items that are considered green arent as common as ones that arent considered green yet. so they are more expensive i guess. .

  7. Actually all 3 people below made good points. But check it.

    It's a different quality. Go to or a local store. A lot of this stuff is done with out or limited preservatives. That means the half life on those things is usually shorter. Exceptions being like milk and orange juice. I buy that stuff b/c it stays good for a long time. Pesticides are used less. Like American Spirit Cigarettes. And there is a level of quality to be demanded. I know for meat that they have to feed the cows certain things that keep it healthy. A lot of the food there is better. Procedure, quality of ingredients, and even packaging.

    A lot of it is bs though. For example much of the sea food is farm raised, regardless of what is says. One lake can't hold a million wild fish. There are lots of Alternative Medicine there that is basically a placebo with fancy packaging. One of the requirements by the FDA to approve you is that every pill contains the same ingredients and that the product does what is says to a significant amount on average. Many of these pills are vitamins or random stuff. The marketing is big here. A lot of what they claim is exaggerated and not really as natural as they saw. Think of hit hippies go here a lot, hippies get sick a lot.

    They do hurt the environment less, but if you are harvesting crops or killing animals. You are still hurting the environment technically. But a lot of it is the taste and sometimes taste. Seriously try some organic tomatoes. I think they mark up the prices because they assume that yuppies, college students, rich people, hippies, and so on will pay it.

    Don't shop their all the time but some products last really long and some are good for fresh cooked meal every once in a while. You can taste the difference. I have seen no real proof on the improved health of people who eat organic. But yeah don't buy the pills, the spices are over priced, try the additives, and everything else is over priced but it is good. It doesn't taste lame, I'm from Texas. We are hicks who love steak, it taste better organic.

  8. supposedly because the time and expense to make sure there is no negative impact on the environment.

  9. If it was cheaper to make a "green" product then the manufacturers would just do so by default because it would be more profitable. In general though, farmers can get better crop yields and make more money by using artificial fertilizers and pesticides, so they do.

  10. It's all about marketing, especially "organic" which is code for "rots real fast", and "fair trade" which means "we can make you pay for the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from thinking you're helping the little people".

    Organic is by far the biggest eco-fraud other than the global warming scare.  It is promoted by people who lie about modern agriculture and convince gullible consumers that "natural" means "better" so that they will be willing to pay higher prices for inferior products.  The truth about organic food is that it is the number one source of food-borne illness.

  11. Because people always seem will to pay more for the fad of the day

  12. Green products cost more because they currently do not receive the same government subsidies that their conventional counterparts enjoy.

    They are also made using new technology, and new technology is always expensive at first.

    Prices are going down, though.  For example, office products made with recycled paper are now getting to be cheaper than those made with new paper whereas they used to be more expensive.

  13. because not a lot of people buy it. and because you're actually getting quality and the authenticity. for example, 100% juice is more expensive and uses more fruit than juice that's 10% juice and 90% water and corn syrup. often, chemically altered and processed goods are made that way because it's cheaper.  a regular juice company might try to sqeeze 5 juice boxes out of one apple, whereas, an organic one might try to squeeze five apples into one juice box. so organic companies tend to spend more money, so therefore have to charge more, and plus alot people don't buy organic so that raises the price as well.

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