
If google was black and the general public knew?

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would all these major companies still advertise and would the press still talk about company all the time in other words would it still b the major success it is 2day




  1. Success is color blind

  2. You mean this?

  3. Yes

  4. I don't have  aproblem with this question.  If that is something you are not sure of or think about then it is a relevant question to you.

    Would you ask the same question about Oprah Winfrey if she was white?  Does she only appeal to black people?

    Do you think only black people got Obama as far as he has got?

    Is it only black people that create 'fair trade' schemes for farmers in third world countries and only black people who buy those more expensive products on supermarket shelves?

    Was it a black person that created the scheme to pay for black people to get London cab driver licenses, which anyone else would have to take 2-3 yrs unpaid study to achieve, or was it a white person that created the scheme and a black person who allegedly fiddled all the black people out of the money?

    Is it black people that have created positive discrimination allowing black people to get a job ahead of others simply on the basis that their skin colour? Police, Ambulance, alsorts of businesses are terrified not to have enough black people.  And if you and I go for a council house, you're going to get it, because I am white and do nothing for the figures.

    I think discrimination exists and it is bad, but it is not as absolutely bad and totally awful as you might want to make it out to be.

  5. That makes no sense to me. People use companies for the service they provide, that's it.

  6. are you referring to Blackle?

  7. what is your problem? you are obviously trying to start some sort of racist debate.

    get a life.

  8. No one cares so long as they make money !

  9. can i just answer blue.

    I dont get the question or its relevance...are you a what you are trying to tell me is that you are a racist biggot and you don't like black people.

    or are you black and you hate white people...give it 500 years we will all be mocha couloured then the racist will have to pick on eye/ hair colour.

  10. stupid question trying to start a race debate. You even thinking a differance between google being black or white means you are racist at some level and still dont see everyone as equal even if you tell yourself you do...

  11. What the heck does the colour matter. What matters is that

    1)   It is capable of doing the job.

    2)   It does the job better than anyone or anything else.

    3)   £ for £,, or $ for$  it gives the best results.

    That is what matters to business, not the colour of the skin of the owner.

    Mike t.

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