
If gutters and dumpsters didn't exist, wouldn't the homeless disappear?

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If gutters and dumpsters didn't exist, wouldn't the homeless disappear?




  1. Just like saying if Guns weren't invented there will be lesser deaths.....On the countrary, Human Beings will just find a better way to slit each other's throat.

    The Homeless would just find a different place to squat.

  2. Nope they would still exist.

    In fact, if we stopped producing gutters and dumpsters, then all those employed in producing them would probably end up homeless as well.  Since we've exported so many American Jobs overseas.

  3. Yeah,into proper houseing.

  4. which homeless?

    I think there might be more than one, and they need peoples help, not plots to eliminate them.

    Join one of the programs where you build houses for homeless families if you want to help eliminate homelessness.



  6. Isn't there someplace right now in Italy where they 're putting the trash and garbage in the streets and ruining the beautiful city? Is that what you want? It's hard for me to believe that anyone could see people living the dumpsters and not help them. It really should be against the law to be homeless. The law should make sure that EVERYBODY has a home...even if it's a camper!!

  7. If you mean would they have no where else to reside(which is idiotic to say), no they wouldn't go away they would just end up on your front step or under your carport for safety.

  8. Is this an allegory of some other argument?

  9. Uh, yeah. That makes alot of sense! Kind of like stopping pedophiles by killing all the children.

  10. Don't forget that you must also eliminate refrigerator boxes and underneath bridges.

    I think that we should keep our dumpsters, gutters, and bridges. We should just spray pesticides in those places to contain the problem.

  11. uh, no.

  12. im hungry and a little peturbed by this question.i also have no home im at the library.but let me tell you this azz hole .we are going into a depression.unless your funds are unlimited.i will see you at the soup line.and if you try to cut in front of me ill slam you so hard into the pavement you wont want to eat anything but soup

  13. Could you not try to be a little more humane towards those poor people who have nowhere else to go?

    One day one of them might be you!

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