
If he becomes President,would McCain be the next Reagan?

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Let me clarify.

Towards the end of his Presidency Reagan suffered the onset of Alzheimer's.I'm not American and I have managed to miss a lot of the coverage of the candidates but whenever I've seen McCain I always get the feeling he isn't "all there".

I could be completely wrong on this but does anybody else have doubts as to whether McCain is mentally fit enough to be President?




  1. He didn't have alzheimers at the end of his god, when will you people get your facts straight...

  2. McCain is older than Reagan was when he was elected.

    McCain has PTSD and is on all kinds of medication....including Ambien.

    If you are old enough to remember Reagan at the Iran Contra hearings, repeating "I Dont Recall" over 70 times......then you know what to expect from a McCain presidency.   If you remember Republican hacks saying "dont be mean to the president, he is old and might have Alzheimers"...then you know what to expect of Right Wingers.

    I dont support Obama, but I cant support McCain either.  If you like his VP candidate then vote for McCain....chances are he wont last a term (with his necessary capacities anyway).

  3. Reagen got his alzheimer's during the end. Please don't create propaganda, because this is where it starts. You state something wrong, and everyone takes you up on it...

    Unless you have access to his medical records that provide a date to his clinical diagnosis, keep your mouth shut.

    Yes Eric, directed at you.

  4. I have doubts either candidate is fit for presidency, but we're dealt the cards we're dealt.  Either way, Bush is out of office in January and that calls for a toast.

    Anyway, I was only in my early teens when Reagan left office an of course uninterested in politics at the time, but I do remember my dad making jokes about his alzheimers so you are correct about that.

  5. McCain is already showing senior moments and may have the early stages of Oldtimers disease.

    He can probably muddle through the presidency.  He might forget to declare war on someone now and then.

    He will probably pick some young whippersnapper for VP that can come to his aid like Joe Libermann did when he slipped up previously.

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