Lives in Griffin, Georgia, Spalding county-previously in St. Mountain, GA, Dekalb county-has 3 warrants 4 unpaid tickets there-3 more will b warrants soon.Changed his last name in 99' in Chicago hoping 2 avoid criminal past.Information I found online shows he recently changed 1st name 2 a Muslim name as said he would do.Can he still be tracked?I am assuming his DOB & SS# must b the same.But I am sure this dirtbag is working on changing this information illegally as well.The recent name change was 2 avoid warrants, child support, my default judgment-u name it-it's on his credit report.GA DMV said his license does NOT show the tickets-said Dekalb court needs 2 inform them of warrants.Griffin police don't have warrants in the system-said NCIC doesn't have him listed-said 2 ask Dekalb authorities 2 put info into NCIC system&have authorities fax over warrant info so they can arrest him-dekalb won't do it.I would think all these agencies would b linked up-How I can get police 2 pick him up?