
If he hit me once should i believe he wont do it again?

by  |  earlier

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we've been together for 2 years and i love him so much

he's never done anything like this before

we had a huge argument and he hit me round the face made it bleed

he was so sorry after and promised it never happen again

but i dont want to be one of those ppl who cant see the truth

is it a one off ? do people like him change ?

im 17 and i live with him (he is 22) so its a big decison




  1. no

  2. I would urge you to get out and if he wan'ts to get help he will and yes he can change but if you stay he won't see he needs to. one time is to much please find a place to go you can still love him but you can't tell him it's ok to hit, if you stay you are saying that. he needs help it's never ok to hit.

  3. It will only get worse.  I've lived through this stuff and it's not good at all.  Living through an abusive relationship only later in life will make you question the good in anybody, including yourself.  Don't let him demean you like that.  Getting out would be your best bet.  Don't let it get worse.  

    My best friend, I've known her since we were 5 (we're 26 now), just had to call the police and have her husband arrested for strangling her.  She's got bruises all around her neck.  And to top that off, he's a preacher.  He's done things like this multiple times to her before and it hasn't stopped no matter how many times he told her this wasn't going to happen anymore.

    You're young and you have so much life to live.  Don't waste it with a man who's going to be abusive, whether if be physical or mental abuse.

    Don't take it!!!

  4. No you should not believe it will be the only time he will hit you. If he is becoming abusive,get out while you can before things get worst. Once guys get away with it the first time,they lose all respect for you,and then the verbal abuse starts,then a bad cycle of it all. Save yourself a lot of grief and pain and find someone who will treat you better,no one deserves to go through a lifetime of cramp.

  5. Number one, did you call the police and report it.

    Number two, would he be willing to go to seek professional help along with you for his anger management?

    We are all human beings and do make mistakes but this is a very serious one. Hitters are always remoursefull after the fact. You love him and I assume he loves you so he shouldn't be afraid of demonstrating his commitment not to strike you again by agreeing to get professional help for his uncontroled anger. If he cannot admit he has a problem that needs to be resolved then you should seriously consider a trial separation and seek professional help yourself in how to deal with this situation.  

  6. leave now...same thing happened to my grandmother and mom when they were starts off slow and gets way worse..he almost killed my grandmother and hurt my mom i would get out as soon as you can :)

  7. u cant handle the truth

  8. NO do not believe him! That is the cycle that abuse starts with. The cycle is that you get into an argument, his anger gets high, he hits you, then feels really bad and makes promises to you that it will never happen again.

    get out NOW while you can!

  9. He will beat on you as long as you stay with him.... give me $20.. I will knock him on his A$$ for you and make him leave you alone so you can find a nice guy..

  10. hmm... maybe he has rabies... just kidding.

    uhhh get out fast!

  11. Yes, he will do it again.

    I  would try and end this relationship nicely and find some other place to live. Living with him give him even more control!

    A small slap in the face  can and will turn  into to a over night in the ER, fractures and broken bones, black eyes and  bloody lips. Are you ready for a lifetime of that?

    Leave now, that wasn't a mistake!

    Wishing you Peace  my young sista.

  12. He most probably will hit you again and he'll be so sorry again and again and again.

    This is not normal behaviour.

  13. No one ever has a right to hit you. EVER. If he hit you, it is assault. Frankly, you should have called the cops. It was assault and battery, boyfriend or not. But you didn't, and now it is best to just move on. Now the smart thing to do is to run and never look back. Odds are, this is the first step in a long relationship of abuse. BUT- if he takes action to make sure it never happens again, I could see you giving him ONE more chance. I wouldn't. But if you wanted to, I could understand. But, taking action means him accepting responsibility for what he did and getting counseling for it. If he refuses to do that, I would walk out the door and never turn back. Most abusers stay abusers. The statistics are against you. But if you do give him a chance, make SURE he follows through. Never give him a third chance.

    Good luck!

  14. well he will hit u again

    he has got some anger management issues

    stay with him or leave him its ur call but HE WILL HIT U AGAIN

    boys tends to get violent when they are angry and having an argument, i tend to be that too but never hit a girl

  15. sue him get your money ny guy like that is a jerk

  16. Get out fast. Once will become twice, then 3 times and it will continue. No one deserves to be abused. Beings you are a minor I have to ask ... do your parents approve of this relationship? Can you go back home? Either way ... find someone that will respect you. I would press charges.

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