
If health is such an issue for Dems, why did they allow Biden to get the VP nod?

by Guest63549  |  earlier

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Bye bye Biden

As he approaches the end of his sixth term as a U.S. senator from Delaware, Joe Biden certainly lends experience to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

But is the 65-year-old Democratic vice presidential nominee-to-be physically fit to be "a heartbeat away"?

One medical expert says yes, despite his increased risk for suffering an aneurysm.

Biden underwent surgery in 1988 to repair two berry aneurysms on opposite sides of his brain. (A berry aneurysm gets its name because the bulge it creates is so small it looks like a tiny blueberry.)

As long as Biden is checked regularly by his health care providers, and has regular brain CT scans (at least every 1-2 years), he should have a normal life expectancy, Dr. Michael Marin, chief of surgery at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, told

“He is probably on medication, but not for the aneurysms. Maybe for blood pressure or that kind of thing,” Marin said. “These aneurysms were diagnosed before he had any events, so he is fine.”

An aneurysm is an enlargement of a normal artery. If an artery has a bulge on its surface – due to genetics or a medical condition such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure – and the artery wall becomes stretched, it can rupture.




  1. Just think about it.....

    Biden as VP.

    If something happens to Obama, Biden becomes President., With his medical problems he could croak and then , fanfare please, you have President Pelosi.

    Can you imagine--- Attila the Hen as our President.

  2. And how is McCain with his Cancer??  Three times it has reappeared.  Shut up with the bull **** Fox news!!  It's the Republican news cable station..lock stock and barrel!

  3. Wow, he had a surgery in 1988.  

    This is a really dangerous road to go down when your candidate is McCain.   The guy has had multiple cancer relapses and experts have noted that he has shown signs of dementia.   He'd be our oldest President ever and looks every bit his age, and then some.

    The scariest thing of all?

    President Palin.

  4. My grandmother had high blood pressure and she lived until 93!!  Whats your point?

  5. Interesting question. There is noting to fear, as long as he is checked regularly. I don't wish this on anybody, but there are other things that could happen to him other than an aneurysm.  Everyday living ... as it has happened to everyday folks. He could get hit by a car; get on the wrong airplane; a victim of Katrina; victim of a home envasion; been in one of the twin towers and on and on and on.

    Your point is well taken, in that, Joe Biden certainly lends experience to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.  If the Dr's agree that Biden is physically fit, and Biden feels he can meet the challenge, and Obama has confidence in him as his running mate, let's not dwell on his health and the what ifs and probabilities. I want to see some of that experience at work. Take Care.

  6. As a Republican, I'm going to tell you to leave Biden alone.  Seriously, you wouldn't want people to say things like this about McCain even though they do.  Lets stop the smear campaigns.  Positivity is how we won in 2004

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