
If health nuts eat turkey burgers and vegetarians eat tofurkey, does anyone make a Tofurkey Burger?

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tofurkey = tofu turkey

is the health-nut vegetarian a large demographic?




  1. I'm pretty sure SOME health-nut vegetarians do eat tofurkey burgers. It's like, you make your tofurkey for Thanksgiving and then eat tofurkey sandwiches the next day... sort of the same thing. Yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this.

  2. Just give me the BEEF !!!

  3. I like Morningstar Farms veggie burgers...except their name makes me think of an early morning condition men get...

  4. sounds gross.

  5. It sounds disgusting.

    I can eat a rubber one straight up..same difference

  6. Vegetarians are for people who are boring and picky who just want to have something to talk about and act cool when they say "Oh, I'm a vegetarian" . If you are a guy and you say that you also like cats and watching roller disco naked.

    I mean theres no reason, you're not saving cows or chickens someone else, like me, is just going to eat them. Why eat something made out of beans that slightly resembles real turkey when you can just go and buy some real stuff.

  7. I hate health-food.  I like meat, and I like it to moo at me.

  8. tofurkey?  

    why not just pee on George Washington's grave?

  9. I don't know that Tofurkey makes veggie burgers, but there are several companies who do.  Amy's makes several varieties, most of them vegan.   Gardenburger also makes veggie burgers, but most are not vegan.

    And I don't care for the Tofurkey roast, although their deli slices aren't bad.

    Some vegetarians avoid meat for health reasons, but many do so because of the cruelty aspect.

  10. **Shudders**

    May it never be!

  11. Never had one, but maybe I'll try it out someday.

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