
If heat rises, then shouldn't h**l be cold?

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If heat rises, then shouldn't h**l be cold?




  1. Well they say the center of the earth is a magma core. But what do we know? We've never been down there. It could be a frozen core. But there has to be a source of heat. And the thing is if you're hot, there's only so many clothes to take off. Being Cold you could put many many clothes on. So being hot is more torture than being cold. Hence, h**l is hot.

  2. just shows you

    God never went to school

    there werent any schools back then

  3. just reading some stuff in wiki about the atmosphere and temperature --'s_atm...  didn't really understand most of it -- maybe you can figure it out ... first layer is warm at surface because of solar heating of surface -- something about pressure creating an inversion effect -- but the next layer is just opposite -- it's confusing --

  4. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the question, but heat only rises in our atmosphere, h**l is not in our atmosphere.

  5. that is funny! but no cuz h**l is CONSIDERED to b  down but not necessarily is down

  6. Dante said it best in Inferno.  The Ninth or highest level of h**l was "colder than a witch's teat in a brass bra in h**l, Michigan," according to meteorologists and Yahoo Answerers whom collect such trivia.

  7. Several possible answers spring to mind:

    1.  It is.  Check out Dante's "Inferno", in which the lowest level of h**l (where Satan is) is a frozen lake.

    2.  It depends on your cosmology.  If Heaven is "up" and h**l is "down", then you might have a point.  If, however, h**l is "up" and Heaven is "down"...

    3.  Heat rising is a law of nature.  Heaven and h**l are on a different plane of existence than we are currently on, so that particular law of nature may not apply to Heaven and h**l.

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