
If heaven or h**l exist then enternity is forever

by  |  earlier

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would your brain have the capacity to remebemer things from 2 million years of time?




  1. heaven and h**l exist in life

    what exists in an afterlife is anyones guess

  2. There's no evidence for an afterlife. So let's not worry about things that don't exist.

  3. NO

  4. why should heaven and h**l exist forever? You reincarnate almost forever and in between lives you experience heaven and h**l, but not in one continuous time, it's interrupted by reincarnating into another human form, and that goes on and on and on for millions of years.

  5. If Eternity exists there are no such things as years. There was no beginning and is no end. It is measureless.

    btw Are you packing plenty of things into your life? You'll need lots of good memories for when you are old and can only remember the past.

  6. in ancient jerusalem the rubbish dump outside the city walls was called gehenna,the place whers they burnt the citys waste for hygienic purposes. the constantly smoking or burning area became a useful metaphor for priests, was translated into greek from aramaic, into latin, and every translation paid for by a patron with a point of view. does h**l exist?  i dont know, but i doubt it. we are quite capable of doing it ourselves.  does heaven exist? i doubt it.  is their a life after death? which is what your postulating? probably. why should so many orinary people tell such extraordinary tales, wthout hope of reward?can they all be deluded?  try gordon smith,the  psychic barber

  7. You live you die be very grateful for that and dont make problems for youself.

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