
If hillary gets the nomination, will we have a racial riot?

by Guest59847  |  earlier

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If hillary gets the nomination, will we have a racial riot?




  1. I hope this will not happen....but I can not help but remember the rioting that has been done in the past.....

    If this does will not be in just isolated might possibly be nation wide....that is an alarming thought....

  2. No, there won't be a riot.

    The press has officially (as of May 1st) stopped pretending to be against Hillary.

    From now on, most of the news coverage you receive (in excess of 90%) will be favorable to Hillary.

    The amount of coverage tht Obama receives will decrease greatly, accept for the negative press.

    Before the election happens, the press will have effectively marginalized Obama.

    Hillary will now be able to violate campaign finance law with impunity.

    Even if she is caught accepting illegal donations, the press will either not report it, or spin it i such a way that it won't seem like a big deal.

  3. I don't believe there will be a racial riot.  There are many blacks that don't support Obama because they see him for what he is, and there are many whites that support him because they believe it shows that they aren't racist.

    What I believe will happen will be a split in the Democratic party and perhaps the birth of a new party.

  4. Why should there be a race riot?

  5. You'll see a lot of blacks stay home and not vote, but I don't see a riot coming..that would spoil it for a lot of future black candidates.

  6. nope, its not a question about gender its a question of how to do her job if she'll win.male and female deserves an equal right in our society without any racial  discrimination.

  7. I believe there will be riots at the Democratic National Convention whoever is chosen.

    The radical Left is fit to be tied, and their anti-War protests scheduled have been thwarted in Denver for the DNC Convention.

    There is anger brewing within the Democratic Party for their inaction in Congress, and the mess that they have created in their Primary contest.

    Denver is preparing for the worst!

  8. Why would there be a riot ?  Blacks have more to do than riot, that sound racist to think otherwise. Also, many blacks like the Clintons and some are voting for Hillary. If I could vote for more than one person, I would vote for her also. but, since I can vote for only one person, it will be for Obama, not because he is black, but because I want to see what someone new will do, since we have had the Clintons and the Bush for years. By, the way, I really like Bill Clinton.

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