
If hillary wins,what will they call her husband bill the first gentleman?

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what would you call him?




  1. yes that is how he will be addressed

    slick willy will always be my name for him

  2. they should call him LADY'S MAN

  3. First Philanderer.

  4. Just for giggles and not a threat to the life or livelyhood of either candidate, but I would call him the first widower. Somebody will probably shoot Hillary before she takes the oath if she was to somehow win the election.

  5. the first weasle

  6. Not a gentleman.

    In fact, since Presidents retain a courtesy title, it would be 'Mrs. President' and 'Mr. President'.  Probably not 'Mr. & Mrs. President', for PR reasons, though.

  7. What would I call him? I don't think I can type that on this site!

  8. Monica's ex boyfriend is what I'll call him.

  9. former president & 1st gentlman.....I guess

  10. first fella

    first love rat

    first cuckolder

    the first the last the everything

    firsty work

  11. I would think they would call him Former President Bill Clinton.

  12. The first lady's man....

  13. CEO of all paiges

  14. There is no way anyone in his right mind would ever refer to Bill as a gentleman, first 2nd or last.

    I think he should be known as Lecher in Chief.

  15. He'll be "The First Philanderer."

  16. I think that is correct...

    ladies and gentlemen...

    First lady / first gentleman

    yep, you got it.

  17. i dunno

    i think jus

    former prez. Clinton


  18. they will call him Mr. President. because a prsident keeps that title for life.

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