
If hillary wins nomination can bill be vice president legally?

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If hillary wins nomination can bill be vice president legally?




  1. Well, should Hillary become President and Bill become Vice-President, he could do anything the Vice-President does except succeed to the Presidency if it became vacant. (If you're wondering what other responsibilities he has, the chief duty of the Vice-President is to preside over sessions of the Senate. The second-ranking officer in the Senate is the President pro tempore of the Senate.)

    The line of succession if the Presidency becomes vacant is:

    1.) Vice President

    2.) Speaker of the House

    3.) President pro tempore of the Senate

    4.) Cabinet officials in the order in which their Departments were established

    Since Bill has already served as many terms as he legally can, he could not become President again.

  2. No. He has served two terms. Under the terms of the 22nd Amendment he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as President. Under the terms of the 12th Amendment, no one can serve as Vice President who is constitutionally ineligible to serve as Vice President. The 12th Amendment also requires that the President and Vice President come from different states. Last I heard Senator Clinton and former President Clinton occupy the same residence north of New York City.

  3. No; there is a two term limit on the Presidency. If something were to happen to Hillary it would be unconstitutional for Bill to take office.

  4. technically, Bill was Vice President during his term and Hillary was President so technically neither one would be legal.

  5. He can't run for president but don't see why he can't run for vice-president.

        Won't happen though.

  6. Even if he cannot legally hold the seat; we all know that exsisting marriages is governed by the husband being the head of the house. Therefore critical situations and issues are for certain  tabled in the bedroom, breakfast and all other interactions. His advice not only would be considered but vital to  decision making.

  7. Hillary will probably pick someone else as her running mate.  I am sure the leadership of the Democratic party will have great influence in her decision.  Bill will be first man and that is it.

  8. Sure.

    Why not have Big Pimpin Bill Clinton a heartbeat away from the presidency ?

  9. no

  10. Sort of, but not during her first two years and one day.

  11. It is an interpretive issue that would have to be decided by the judicial branch if it ever came to it.

    22nd Amendment

    No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

    12th Amendment

    no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

  12. Maybe! can Monica Samille Lewinsky be rehired  for White House?

  13. yes, he can be vice president, but if she died, then the speak of the house would take over.

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