
If hitler did kill all those people, would he be a great leader?

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I think so. I have a few book on hitler, and moveis. I would of like to meet hitler i just think it would be intresting.

At the time Hitler took over the reigns of Germany, it was a war ravaged and heavily indebted country with the economy in absolute mess. He was instrumental in turning around his country and converting it into a world power of his times.

He was instrumental in putting in place most of the infrastructure in Germany, much of it in use till today:

1. he built the autobahn

2. he built the vw beetle.

3. he built the berlin olympic stadium

4. he invested heavily in german infrastructure

5. he made the 1st practical rockets and cruise missiles.

6. made the 1st jet plane.

7. Great Advances in trauma therapy were made.

Kind things:

8. cancelled 'operation sea lion', the expedition to England- as it would result in huge loss of civilian lives

9. Let the Battle hardened Allied troops(about 1million) escape Dunkirk on humanitarian considerations-could have crushed them all

10. The nuclear bomb technology was developed by German scientists in his regime(mostly same people migrated to USA and created the Bombs that USA used on Hiroshima & Nagasaki- AFTER the war was OVER!!!!!!)- but could not bring himself to use them on humanitarian considerations. (And he is blamed by American and English media of atrocities on humanity!!!!)

11. A great fall out of WW II brought about by him- England/Britain, France, etc had to cede/liberate most colonies in Asia, Africa, etal.

Thus bringing to an end the severe oppression and violation of human rights by the occupiers in these countries.

No doubt, great atrocities were brought upon the Jews in his regime. Weren't Jews persecuted in rest of Europe?

However, consider the atrocities in occupied territories(colonies) perpetrated by other Europeans - native Americans were looted & hunted down like animals; Aborigines and Maoris of Australia and New Zealand suffered similar fate. Asians, particularly Indians were subjected to the darkest forms of treachery, cruelity, atrocities, injustice.........etc; Africans were killed, enslaved and raped at random!! N-bombs dropped in Japan AFTER the war was OVER!!!! The atrocities, open murder and rape of people in Korea,Vietnam and now Iraq!!!!!

All this by the so-called defenders of humanity!!!!!!

And they say Hitler was bad!!!!!!

Let's not forget that 'HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTOR'




  1. No. The problem is he turned heartless and killed innocent people. Imagine if Hilter was planning to kill you. How would you feel?

  2. HOLD IT!! Hitler was a very POWERFUL leader, BUT not a great leader. He singlehandedly destroyed Germany. Millions of German soldiers and civilians died or had their lives destroyed because of Hitler. Even when there was know way of denying they would lose the war, Hitler would not surrender. Resulting in most of Germany being obliterated, unnecessary deaths on both sides, and oh wait, the only time EVER that the Catholic Church allowed abortion(after the fall of Berlin) Thanks Hitler.

    Most of the things you describe weren't things Hitler accomplished, they were things Germans accomplished.

    This is coming from a half german, born and raised in the U.S.   Hitler forever ruined Germany. Not a great leader. He was a whacko.

    AND yes, war crimes were committed by all sides during the war, but History is indeed written by the victor.  

  3. Adolf Hitler was very smart, and good at what he did. He wanted to be an artist but was turned down for art school so he turned to politics. It's such a shame that he killed about six million Jews, Gypsies, handicapped, and homosexual people. He was brilliant and stupid.

  4. If Hitler wasn't mistreated as a child, really twisted, and didn't have such horrid beliefs, he would have been awesome. He got things done, and had amazing determination.

    He coulda been great. Too bad he lost it

  5. 1.  The Autobahn was already up and running when Hitler expanded it. It has become an incredible system since with amazing improvements that we in the US are just thinking about now.

    2.Dr. Porsche was given basic specs for the VW.  Hitler wanted it to go with the autobahn.

    3. And FDR built the LA Coliseum for the '32 and '84 games.  And President Hu built the Bird's Nest and Watercube for Beijing '08.

    4.So did other leaders in their countries at that time.  Hitler had a military purpose (hidden at that time)

    5. That was Werner Van Braun and his friends. Hitler did encourage and invest in it for purposes of war and world conquest.

    6. That was Dr. Willie Messerschmidt.  And Hitler wanted to use it as a bomber instead of an interceptor and thus not allowing it to be a weapon that could have turned the war around.  Hitler's playing with this kept it from being used until 1944.  It was flying in 1941. It could have turned back the US daylight bombing campaign.

    7.By experimenting on live human subjects to the point of death.

    8.The RAF did that. Look up the Battle of Britain.

    9. Hitler was convinced by Goering that the Luftwaffe could finish the job and the Wehrmacht was stopped.  The Royal Navy and the Little Boats still had a bit of a time rescuing the 400,000 or so troops. It was not a picnic in the park. Hitler was being stupid, not kind.

    10. European and American scientists working together in the USA on the Manhattan project developed the first viable atomic weapons.  The German scientists working in Germany, including Heisenberg, were in shock that the US could have developed such a weapon because their efforts had not paid off in any way (they were using heavy water and not uranium or plutonium)  The war was not over when the bombs were dropped.  The Japanese were not willing to surrender.  The government was preparing the people to fight the invasion off with pointed poles and rocks, but they were not willing to surrender.  Look at what happened on Saipan and Okinawa.  Civilians jumping off of cliffs to their deaths.  Harry Truman was an artillery commander during WWI and saw the death and carnage.  It was 150,000 or so versus millions.  War makes you make hard choices.  My father would have been part of the invasion of Japan.  I am glad he was not.  The bombs were dropped 6 and 9 August and the Emperor Showa (he is called that in death, alive he was Hirohito.  The Japanese have different names for the Emperor when he is alive or dead) stood up and said it was time to end this.  He made a recording in Japanese court language to be broadcast to the people on 15 August, almost a week after the Nagasaki bomb.  True, Japan could have been starved into submission by a naval blockade and continued bombing but that would have cost millions of lives as well.  If your father or grandfather would have been alive in 1945-1946 he might have had to be part of the invasion of Japan.  It was not just the Americans who would have been part of that force, but British, Australian and Canadian troops surely would have been part of it.  Your ancestor might have been one of the 1,000,000 soldiers killed or 1,500,000 wounded.  You might not be here to put forth this postulate that Hitler was not all that bad.

    11. The British and French Empires were already granting independence to their colonies.  Germany and Japan had colonies before the war started.

    12.  The cost to fight this war, the billions of dollars, pounds, francs, roubles, marks, yaun, yen, lira and the millions of lives, some say as high as 50 million.  The resulting 50 year Cold War and its costs in lives and money cannot be erased by a highway and a car.

    13.  Your questions lead me to ask  "Did you want Hitler to win?"

    14.  Get some first hand accounts of survivors of the concentration camps, POWs and others.  Find some veterans of the war and ask them or read their books.  Do some research and you will find that Hitler is not someone you would like to meet.

  6. yes and no . he killed a lot of people and that not cool , but he did a lot of good.

  7. 12. hitler eradicated 6 million people. i think that cancels out the "good" stuff he did....

  8. You're a raving lunatic. The only reasons you're giving for Hitler being a "good leader" are either completely misinformed, or just advancements made by German scientists/architects during Hitler's regime. You're clearly a neo-n**i.

    And to people who say that Hitler was a brilliant leader if it wasn't for the Holocaust: his aggression and quest for power lead to the Second World War, which killed 50 - 70 million people, including 7,000,000 of his own countrymen. Even the horror of the Holocaust pales in comparison to the inconceivable destruction wrought on the world by World War II. And in Germany, the infrastructure was completely destroyed, its cities were reduced to rubble, and almost the entire urban civilian population was displaced. HOW does that make him a good leader for the German people, or for anybody? Yes, he rebuilt the German economy, but he was an authoritarian dictator that crushed democracy and human rights. He started the most devastating war in human history and left his country in shambles. And this is all excluding Hitler committing the worst genocide in history.

    In the end, he wanted to conquer Europe and the Soviet Union. And to do so he needed to control the Atlantic Ocean and the Middle East. He also entered into alliances with Italy, which wanted to control the Mediterranean and Africa, and Japan, which wanted to control the Indian Ocean, East Asia, Oceania, and the Pacific. That would leave the Americas, and it seems impossible that the Western Hemisphere would be left alone if Hitler controlled 75% of the world's land, population, and resources.... We have a term for this: WORLD DOMINATION.

  9. Two wrongs don't make a right,  Just becase he didall that good stuff, that doesnt make killing th Jews okay.  If I go kill my mom, does that make it ok for someone else to kill their sister?  Evil is all over, and done by all kinds of people; but just because one person commits evil doesnt make it ok for someone else to do it.

    I dont know anyone who thinks that Hitler was the only one in the world to have done anything wrong.

    And all the good things he did was what made it easier for him to chime right in and started klling the Jews.  He got the people convinced that he was a great guy so hat they would accept and go along with whatever he did.

    It's kind of like the abused wife syndrome: A lot of men beat their wives to a pulp every night but the women will stay because of the wonderful things their husband do when they're being kind.

    The fact that you are trying to justify what Hitler did just shows that youre an anti_Semitic pig!

    why did i get thumbs down? are there a bunch of neo n**i a** holes around here?

  10. Hitler was a genius.  He was a truly great leader, he brought Germany out of a long debt.  He also was what Germany needed at the time, one solid leader and one solid group.  You see at the time Hitler took over Germany there were many little political groups in Germany, not one particular strong one.  I believe he was a great leader, until he went insane.

  11. Hitler brought Germany back to its  knees and brought about many changes and many jobs for it people, Expect he went crazy and started killing Innocent people.

  12. i agree that most people forget there's a good and bad to everything.  a lot of advancements were made in n**i germany that were only possible because of the horrible things they did.  and from what i've read, non jewish germans were pretty happy under hitler.

    hitler wasn't a bad leader.  it could even be said that he was a great leader.  he was able to misguide a whole nation of people; that's quite a feat.

  13. 1 He authorized the autobahn

    2.Porsche built the V W.

    3 Hitler inherited the Olympics

    4 The arms industry.

    5 Werner Von Braum developed the V2 rocket.

    6. Messerschmidt Developed the first production jet. England and the U.S. were just behind them.

    7 At the expense of the peoples held in concentration camps.

    8 Canceled operation sea lion because Luftwaffe could not destroy the Royal Air Force. The landings would have failed.

    9 Another failure of the vaulted Luftwaffe. The Wehrmacht was halted so the Luftwaffe could finish off the British. This failed.

    10 The allied air forces destroyed the hard water plants that the Germans needed to make atomic bombs. They were behind the U.S. in the development of the bomb. If Hitler had the bomb he would have used it on allied targets New York City being one of them.

    11 England lost much of it's holdings. France held onto it's colonies until the late 1950's.

    Japan did not surrender until the atomic (not nuclear) bombs were dropped. Had Japan surrendered before they would not have been used. Checking facts is not your forte.

  14. hmm...if you met him..he will probs shoot you with his gun.  

  15. I'd say Hitler was a great leader, he just wasn't a very nice one, to say the least.

  16. I think your a bit misguided with some of your ideas mate.

    Operation Sealion was cancelled due to most of Germany's resources being diverted to the war with the Soviets in the East.

    While the war in Europe was over, it was still raging in th pacific when the US dropped the A-bombs on Japan.

    And I suggest to read carefully the history of New Zealand before suggest that the Maori were hunted down and persecuted.

    What I am likely to agree with you on is that if Hitler died in about 1938 he may have been regarded a great leader.

  17. The Jews were persecuted in the rest of Europe, but not systematically murdered.

    Operation Sea lion was canceled because it would have destroyed his military.  He couldn't hold mainland Europe and launch a full-scale invasion.  Don't forget he bombed the civilian populace relentlessly.  Doesn't show much consideration for their lives.  

    Hitler never had the A-bomb.  He spent too much of his resources on the rocket engine to seriously fund the bomb.  

    You can't excuse evil by citing evil done by others before or since.  If you do then you justify any future "Hitlers" in their actions.  The autobahn is just a road, the beetle is just a car, and frankly, the rocket would have been developed without his help.  The death of 6 million Jews cannot be undone by such paltry deeds.  

  18. it was to long . . . .didnt read it but Hitler was a jerk and not nice to Jews that stinkin Jew Hater =p


  19. Of course he was great that is why Time name in Man of the year in 1938, Hitler killed more than 6 Million people, he also killed 20 million Russians

  20. You're an idiot and you completely missed the point.

    Hitler was good at what he did. But What he did was NOT GOOD.

  21. Israel, since Hitler's demise, has out-achieved him a hundred-fold (and probably closer to a thousand-fold), in what they've contributed to the world.

    The Jews of his time actually had a lot more going for themselves, their country and the world, than he had for himself.

    Hitler was not cool.

  22. i know what your saying, you can also add in that the n***s discovered that smoking leads to lung cancer

    but while hitler killed 6 million jews..stalin killed 30 million so  yeah  

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