
If home is going into foreclosure how long do i have to live there before I get evicted?

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If home is going into foreclosure how long do i have to live there before I get evicted?




  1. Apx 60 days after they tape a notice on your garage or front door.  Then the sheriff escorts you out.  Be ready.   But don't move out too early.  You are liable for any vandalism prior to the auction.  Protect the house. /

  2. I would recommend getting a Realtor to list and sell with the short sale addendum.This way you might sell for more money and owe tax on less.When you sell for less than what is owed the lender issues a 1099 -tax certificate for their loss of the difference to you.Work with the Realtor and they may be able to keep you from fileing total bankruptcy.You should list it for sale NOW.If possible talk to your lender and see if it is ok to stay while it is up for sale and ask if they will let you know when to move before total eviction.

  3. The bank will inform you, but better to get out now rather than under pressure.

  4. Do you really want to be evicted? NOT COOL!

    Find a new place and move out!

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