
If humans age, then do our blood cells age as well?

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If humans age, then do our blood cells age as well?




  1. Your cells replace themselves as you get older (except brain cells, they don't replace themselves)

    Nearly every cell in your body gets replaced every 7 years.

  2. oh yes our cells age , become senescent and "die". They are degraded and new ones take their place. The average "lifetime " of a red blood cell is about 120 days or so. Enterocytes ( intestinal absorptive cells ) are replaced very frequently ( 5-8 days ) as they die and slough off into the lumen.  

  3. No, answer two is right, all cells everywhere even your bone cells except in your brain regenerate themselves, so your blood cells die and new ones are made, you have a Whole new skeleton about every 7 years

  4. Red blood cells last about 90-120 days, then die.  ONE of the jobs of your liver is to filter out the dead red blood cells.

    White blood cells and platelets die sooner, I think.

    And its true -- EVERY cell in you body dies as some time or another -- including brain cells.  But they are replaced by new cells -- including brain cells.  Brain cells and nerve cells, though, take longer to make because they have to duplicate and rewire "synapses".  Brain cells dying is one of the reason we "forget " things -- the replacement process isn't perfect.

    So, all in all, your body is COMPLETELY replaced about once every 7 years.  Blood cells are quicker, brain cells are slower.

    "Aging" happens when this replacement process stops.  And it does, eventually.  So far as we know, that is controlled by our DNA, and at this time we don't understand the mechanism that causes it.  But after a certain perido of time --about 65 to 75 years -- the replacement process stops.  And when too many cells die and too few new ones are made, we eventually die.

  5. Blood cells die after a few weeks.

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