
If humans ceased to exist, would Earth, and the whole universe as well, vanish from existence?

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Does everything depend on the existence of human kind?




  1. It was here long before us and will still be long after we are gone.

  2. No! The universe and the earth were CREATED (from the Christian point of view) before the creation of man. From the scientific point of view humans evolved from lesser forms of life. Before this happened, the earth (the solar system, and the universe, of course!) were already there. Without us, earth and the universe would continue to exist.

  3. well lets one here to start nuclear one to cut down the forrests..poison the lakes and streams..threaten dumping their meth residue in our air pollution..oh yeah i can see where we'd be missed.

  4. I would imagine the animals would fend for themselves fine.  many would die, fight, then finally co-exsist.  probably better than man.

  5. Padd I think that if humans ceased to exist this earth would actually rejewvenate itself  and it and the universe would probably be more beautiful than we can imagine!

  6. Actually, I just watched a Discovery Channel program about this idea.  I think it was called Earth After Man or something like that. It takes you through the changes that would occur starting with the deterioration of structures, the movement of animal life, the changes in the contour of the earth as all vestiges of human civilization are overrun by the earth's natural forces, etc.  The theory seemed to be that the earth and the universe would adapt without us and continue.

  7. The dinosaurs might of asked that same question.

  8. You are my scientific troll PADS

    Yes the universe would need human interpretation for us to determine it's existence.

  9. No. The world existed before humans, and it will continue to exist afterward.

    It's extremely narcissistic to claim that the universe revolves around us.

  10. Sounds very Zen to me.  

  11. Hardly.My dog died, yet he lives on in my memory. When I die, he too, will be lost from existence.The universe shall change when the Andromeda Galaxy collides with the Milky Way Galaxy ( about 14 billion years from now), but it won't vanish from existence, merely a change of mass and matter. If we believe in Newtons Laws of Physics that 'with all action there is an opposite and  equal reaction' and one day the expanding universe will collapse, it still won't vanish, just a drastic change. Since mass and matter can't be created or destroyed, it can only go through changes. So my answer is no .

  12. of course not -- but i sure would want to be at the top of the animal food chain!!

  13. if a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?

  14. No.



    Sax A : "Might have", not "might of". Go learn some English.

    Desert Traveler : Yes, otherwise why would squirrels have ears?

  15. Kathy C. said it best - and I totally agree with her.


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