
If humans developed from monkeys,what happened to others who r still monkey.?

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you might answer which came first hen or egg. but can u answer this question.

if humans developed from monkeys,what happened to others who r still monkey?

i mean if we are developed from monkeys, what happened to others that they are still monkey. why didn't they developed. were they sleeping or what? think and then reply




  1. <<if humans developed from monkeys,what happened to others who r still monkey.?>>

    They're monkeys or monkey-descendants known as apes.

    <<you might answer which came first hen or egg.>>

    I didn't, seeing as that 'answer' had no connection with your question.

    <<but can u answer this question.>>

    I did.  See above.

    <<why didn't they developed. were they sleeping or what?>>

    Some are probably sleeping at the moment.  Others aren't.


    <<Humans did not develop form monkies. The apes (including humans) and monkies developed from a group of mammals called Plesiadapiformes.>>

    Plesiadapiformes predate both monkeys and apes by tens of millions of years.  Whether they were primates is far from certain.  In any case, monkeys evolved from lemur-like ancestors, and descendants of monkeys include apes.  Therefore, indirectly, humans developed from a lineage of monkey.

  2. 1) Humans did not develop form monkies.  The apes (including humans) and monkies developed from a group of mammals called Plesiadapiformes.

    2) The populations split, producing the precursor to the Old World monkeys, the precursor to the New World monkeys and the precursor to the apes.  Those precursor lived millions of years ago.

    3) All the modern monkeys are descendants of those precursors.  Most of the branches ended with populations that went extinct.

    It is very simple: your great great grandfather is dead.  Your cousins are alive.  Modern monkeys are our cousins, not our ancestors.

  3. I think you should think before you ask questions like this. It's obvious that you do not understand how evolution works, or how our specied evolved from ape-like ancestors over millions of years.

    You've basically asked the single most ignorant, trite and irritating question that creationists tend to ask when questioning evolution.

  4. One line of monkeys became human, due to certain environmental conditions. Why don't all rodents still have tails? Why aren't all birds the same shape and colour? It's really pointless to debate evolution. It's proven scientific fact. I'm sorry science conflicts with your beliefs, but you'll just have to accept that.

  5. There's no need to 'think'.  Simply pick up a book on evolution and read...

    Modern day monkeys and humans are considered to have a common ancestor.

    This means that we are NOT descended from 'monkeys', but rather from a specific species of primate.  As the years passed, older species die out (consider the dinosaurs).  Evolution marches on.

    In 50,000 years, it's likely that 'homo sapiens' will not be around.

  6. The evolutionary tree which deviated to form Humans and some other animal diverged:

    Chimpanzees 6-8 million years ago.

    Great Apes 10 million years ago.

    Orangutan 12-15 million years ago

    Monkeys 30 million years ago.


    We are much closer to Chimpanzees, Great Apes, and Oranguatans than monkeys.


    I also disagree with the idea that homo sapiens won't be around in 50,000 years. The species is 120-150K years old and it nearly went extinct a few times. I would say there is an excellent chance that we will be here in 50K years. As to what civilization will look like, that is an entirely different question.

  7. This has been asked and answered so many times I can only conclude you are

    a) too lazy to look it up: or,

    b) too dumb to understand the answer: or,

    c) fully aware of all this and can't come up with anything original: or,

    d) a believer in evolution who is trying to make creationists look stupid by asking a question that exposes ones ignorance

    Yes, this is exactly the same answer I have given before. If you can't find any original questions, I don't feel obligated to give original answers

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