
If humans evolved from monkeys and apes, why are there still apes?

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Okay, I'm just kidding.

I just wanted to see how many previous questions of this nature popped up as I typed the question into the top slot. 41 minimum, and recent, so they have to know they are repeating it. It also puts itself into biology, and you have to choose anthropology deliberately.

Why the sudden rash of creationists on the anthropolgy section?

Surely, if they wanted to talk about this sort of thing, the biology section would be better. Or are they so threatened by educated discussion that they are trying to harass us out of existence, like they did with Peternal?




  1. Humans and other primates had a similar ancestor that split off into early humanoid primates (like Australopithecus). The reason that there are still monkeys and apes is that they are the modern day dependents of other primates that have not yet evolved as highly as humans. I disagree with some of your statements about people that have religion don't educate themselves. I'm Catholic and I believe in the theory of evolution and I try my best to educate myself to understand our world.

  2. Lucy  - 3 bones spread over half an acre.

    Peking Man - one example but the museum have 'lost' it.

    Java man - hoax.

    Neanderthal Man - 1500cc brain compared to 1350cc in modern man.

  3. I think it's teenagers out having a good time

  4. Peternal is still with us,

    Walking the corridors of Q&A.

    Eternal though he may be,

    He left his P in the Urinal.

    Who is "They" Mathilda ?

  5. People who are incapable of completing a genuine line of thought for themselves, prefer to take the posture of harrasing others who can, and do!

    It gives them a false sense of identity, otherwise they would have none whatsoever!

  6. I noticed that also, it belongs in religion or theology.

    It's been popping up everywhere actually not just under this category.

  7. Yep, you're witness to a great civilization being destroyed by self imposed religious ignorance.  The overriding problem is, these people ignore all evidence in deferance to a religion largely crafted by Constantine (to prop up the Roman Empire) nearly 1700 yrs ago.  We are lucky they've finally accepted the theory that the Earth revolves around the sun.  This was a contraversy for 400 yrs & has only recently been accepted by the Catholic Church (one of the more enlightened religions).

    I suspect this self imposed ignorance has always been around, but until recently they were perched on a soap box in the park & confined to ranting in places where they could be ignored. Now the internet allows them to disrupt the lives of the educated that would ignore them, given the chance.

  8. Why are people not allowed to ask questions about the evidence for evolution?

    Years ago my biology teacher talked (briefly) about evolution during a lesson. I asked what evidence their was. He instantly assumed i was 'one of those creationists'. I told him i was genuinely curious about it and wanted to be a paleontologist. He, of course did not answer my question. I am now doing a geoscience degree, and don't want to pick up his attitude.

  9. I don't feel that there is some sort of serious threat of being overwhelmed by the religious types.  It is quite easy to counter "arguments" against evolution.  It is in the anthropology section because to a religious person, people are separate from animals.  While I share that belief to some extent, it is absolutely obvious that we are physically descended from "animals". There is nothing physically remarkable about humans besides our brains but even that  is only a matter of degree.


  11. Sigh, I have noticed it too. In many areas, but mostly over on the religious board.

    I honestly think semi-organized groups of people monitor the boards to attempt to manage information by sheer number of the same message, not by actual substance.

  12. These are by and large people who have no interest in science and are just looking for validation - inane ignorant answers that agree with them. I don't know why they are now in anthro but they seem to move in packs around the various sections in science - probably just asking their arrogant ignorant "questions" in the categories where they've found recent similar ones. There's a very high turnover - only the really insane ones stick at it for long.

    In the meantime, just keep your q&a's private to prevent multi-account report stalkers and other forms of harrassment, and don't bother wasting your time and energy responding to random vicious emails - just block them (you can report emails though I don't know if it does anything). And spare a thought for the long time sufferers in science!

  13. to complete the types of monkeys... like gorilla... orangutan... they're all alike..

  14. We didn't evolve from modern day monkeys and apes.  Humans and apes had a common ancestor, which isn't around anymore.  If you go back far enough all life forms had a common ancestor.

  15. if people bothered to just educate themselves they'd know why there are still monkeys around. same as why there are still birds and lizards and everything. we all evolved from the same thing. creationist just believe whatever they are told by their religion and dont bother educating themselves. that is their major problem and why they'll always be followers

  16. Well, I consider myself gifted in empirical observation, and when I analysis the data and research of the Evolutionary/Uniformitarian Model the resulting conclusions tell me this... that “genetic commonality traits” do not imply “evolutionary processes”, or even an “evolutionary mechanism” at all.  Nor do “genetic dormant traits” imply this process, either.  This is where modern scientific investigation has gone terribly wrong.  It is severe misinterpretation of the data, a radical “misconjecture”.  

    In reality, all life on Earth is contained within a sealed environmental biome that contains a “set collection of common ingredients”, being the rudimentary elements, chemicals and molecular compounds that produced the genetic formulaic framework for life, the DNA-RNA chain.  Thus, these components are "common" to ALL; it's no mystery.  This formulaic framework is very much like a “recipe” that “dictates” and “instructs” the “set collection of common ingredients” to generate life.  The resulting life forms will vary based on the degree of alteration to the instructions, yet they can be “similar” or radically “dissimilar”.

    It’s very much like a recipe for a loaf of bread vs. a cake.  Both recipes contain the same exact ingredients, but in altered degrees of intensity and quantity, yet two “different” outcomes are produced SIMULTANEOUSLY, possessing commonalities, yet dissimilar.  In the loaf of bread sugar is “dormant” while being “intense” in the cake.  In the cake yeast is “dormant” while being “intense” in the loaf of bread.  Does this mean one evolved from the other?  No.

    It is clear to me that instead of Evolution life on Earth emerged via a “polybiological explosion”, SIMULTANEOUSLY, where the entire genetic species “Pool of Life” with all of its diversity emerged in unison and was contemporaneous.  This can be termed “Spontaneous Polybiological Mass-Profusionism” (SPMP) where the original coalesced Earth acted as a womb-like “pressure cooker” of life involving a “Geocrucible Effect” that was activated by irradiation processes from our primordial “paternal star”, which is NOT our Sun, but was a Blue Supergiant B1-class star 5 times the solar mass of our current Sun.  This is the primary component missing from the scientific equations; though in 2002 quantum equations were completed inferring that our G-2 class star is far too small to have produced the rare heavier elements in the human body and on Earth, concluding that ONLY a Blue Supergiant could have accomplished this.    

    Additionally, and quite significantly, scientists have severely misinterpreted the Geological Column containing the Fossil Record.  This was not laid down over the (fictional) gargantuan ages (5 billion years) of the Uniformitarian Model, but rather, SUDDENLY, in periodic recurrent cycles due to transterrestrial cosmocataclysms involving mass celestial bombardment and catastrophic polar axial displacements causing the seas to displace out of their oceanic basins due to "inertia" and overrun the continents, consequently entombing large and incremental percentages of the original “Pool of Life” beneath alluvium soil (mud), the causative agent for “fossilization”.  This process, which can be termed “Periodic Mass-Polybiolysis”, suspended the material and victims in the hydraulic medium during the continental draining process creating a viscosity mixture where the particular “weight” of the material and victims suspended in this medium arranged itself into various stratification; hence, this created what we know today as the Fossil Record and the Geological Column where the “whittling away” at the original “Pool of Life” is entombed.

  17. The rash of creationists is a phase. I'm certainly not disrespecting creationists. It's a fact that pretty near all things come and go in phases. Nothing wrong with that.

    I was taught by 2 Phd's in Anthropology who were creationists...they welded evolution and creation together, in such a way, that it made excellent, rational sense. And no one was offended or walked out the classrooms.

  18. Some people are so mentally closed in that they can't accept the reality of something that they can't see in real-time. Things like climate change and evolution are attacked by people because thay can't see it right now. The only solution to save humanity and make the world a better place is to genetically engineer these "stupid" genes out of the human genome.

  19. To me, it's similar to those that crusade against p**n. They're against it and spend most of their time seeking it out, horrifying though it be. It fact they spend almost all their time looking, eh seeking it. It doesn't bother me as long as they don't tap my foot in the restroom.

    Then there's the missionary mentality. That's where one goes among the heathen spreading the true word. (normally in capital letters)

  20. If you Evolutionists came up with the positive evidence that convinces you, instead of sending the innocent questioner (and we're not all creationists) off on a wild goose chase of a mountain of ambiguous, misleading and brainwashing information, and stop bleating on about how many times 'evolution' is questioned, we might get somewhere, nearer the truth of the origin of us Modern Humans.  Don't keep telling us that the evidence is there, show us where, PRECISELY, because, after years of searching and asking, I can't find it.

    Produce the 'UNEQUIVOCAL', human mediatory fossil evidence, and we'll all shut up!


    Again, Mathilda, you spout off so arrogantly typical of the brainwashed evolutionist that you are proving to be and, true to form, you ignore my request of mediatory fossil evidence and try to cover it up by a load of questionable flannel.  Why do you all use the lack of proof of the creationism theory, to support evolutionism?  As I said, not all 'questioners' of evolution are creationists.  There is a growing number of non-creationists and non-religious people, like myself, who find it increasingly more difficult to accept the 'theory of evolution', regarding human origin, due to the complete lack of Human "mediatory" fossil evidence, out of the mountains of fossils found so far.

    The DNA evidence you offer, is so controversial and refuted, by many more eminant and respected scientists than you suggest and even if you were correct, that adds up to a very large number (and not all creationists, as I said) who reject the evidenceless, unsupportable, theory of evolution, specifically with regard to Modern Humans.

  21. Survival of the smartest...

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