
If humans evolved from monkeys or apes, then what did monkey's evolve from?

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I'm looking to know what the earliest ancestor of human life looked like. But if evolution were true, then how can cells form into an animal, even the smallest animal life and what did it look like?




  1. ahh good question.  that is because evolution is a false teaching.

    look into christ my friend you shall find your answers.

  2. More important....if we evolved from monkeys and apes why are there still monkeys and apes.Were they to stupid to evolve or do you think they enjoy dragging their knuckles.

  3. Cells, Emebas, Plant life, fish, dinasaures were all before apes.

  4. LOL....good question.  The first human being was made "in the image of God."  And the first monkey was made by the same creator to be just what he was/is/and always will be.....a monkey!

  5. Evolution IS true ! You need to read Darwin's Theory of Evolution to answer your Q as it would take too long here & I'm not sure of your level of understanding (age) !

  6. Stardust

  7. it probably started like this:

    therr was a walking p***s.

    and a walking v****a.

    one got inside the other one. formed a cell creature.

    the cell creature formed into a little hairy creature as it got older.

    the hairy creature had s*x with the walking p***s.

    then the hairy creature got pregnant and gave birth to 6 little hairy creatures.

    all the 6 little hairy creatures had s*x with eachother and eventually formed a monkey.

    the monkeys had s*x with other weird hairless creatures and over time formed humans. :] there you go.

  8. The earilest ancestor of man was actually a fish with five bones in is fins, that would eventually become or toes and fingers.

  9. Read "What Evolution Is" by Ernst Mayr, and you won't need to make a fool of yourself by asking a question that has been posted a thousand times, by those too lazy or stupid to comprehend simple science.

  10. scientists know less than they know.  every time they make a new discovery, they edit the previous theory but continue to act as if 'why of course we have ALL the answers' yeah, for the minute.  

    as for the bible thumpers, you offer nothing more than more non-answers.

    good question though.

  11. Monkeys and apes descended from a common ancestor, we didn't evolve from monkeys.

    Evolution would make a lot more sense to people if they just took the time to learn what it actually *is*!  

    All of the creatures that exist on the planet today (including homo sapiens) are the result of continual evolution.  They don't just "stop" evolving at some point, that would imply that there is a goal in mind (other than survival), rather than a step in an ongoing process.

  12. How can anyone prove we evolved from monkeys? I don't believe it. No world religion probably does either. I was made in the image of God. And there is more proof of His image in Vedic history and literature than there could be about evolving from monkeys. That's fertile imagination no doubt.

  13. No one is quite sure how, or where the human life came from.  Theres no way of telling.  There is no proof, of anything.  So no one knows what they'd look like.  Id honestly like to know though.

  14. Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is currently presented as the earliest primate ancestor.

    Living between 35 and 33 million years ago it was about the size of a howler monkey.

    Couple of comments: First evolution is a fact and the majority of creationist theories require that evolution takes place. By posting "if evolution were true..." it suggest you have already made up your mind. Please be receptive to facts.  

  15. we are not evolved from monkey or apes, we are evolved from the same thing they are evolved from.  

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