
If humans keep this use of fossil fuels and cause global warming...?

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so if they keep this going

are temperatures just gunna keep rising like they have been?

so if kids that are about 13 years old grow up to be about 30

will they be living in temperatures as hot as 120 degrees?




  1. Vegetarians are the cause of global warming. I eat the problem, they eat the SOLUTION.

  2. No, you have been listening to hysterical rhetoric from a delusional ex-vice president.  You would be LUCKY if temperatures were 1 degree warmer in your lifetime from human caused global warming.

  3. do you know the same scientist who convinced goofy Al Gore of this also predicted global freezong in the 1970"s?  Better do some research.

  4. Yes the kids growing up will be living in temperatures as hot as 120 long as they are living in death valley!

    Global warming is just the latest cause the media wants to get everyone in a tizzy over.  Global weather patterns are cyclical and they always have been.  

    I think its the arrogance of the human race that believes that we are the cause of "global warming"  If temperatures are actually on the rise to stay(and I dont believe they are), its not because of us.

  5. Global average temperature increase is about 0.3°C (0.55°F) per decade. In 2025 The temperature increase would be about 0.6°C. This may appear to be very small, but it can cause drastic changes in weather patterns. By 2050 half of the current crop land could become unusable (deserts and flooding). Other land currently unusable could be come fertile. Without massive population migrations, probably more than half or the world population will die.

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