
If hurricane Gustav hits during the RNC will the Republicans get some media coverage?

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If hurricane Gustav hits during the RNC will the Republicans get some media coverage?




  1. Hurricanes dont hit Minnesota...

    And Yes judging by the media center that was built for this thing there will be plenty of coverage.. Hopefully the 10,000 strong Rally for the Republic will get some as well.

  2. A tiny bit on your evening news maybe with those Demotard anchors talking about how bad the RNC was. I'll tell you one thing though, I am PSYCHED to go there. I live in St. Paul, 2 or 3 miles from the XCEL Energy Center. I am hitting all of the days of it.

    If the hurricane hits, LA.'s Gov. and Bush most likely will not come up here to speak. If Bush comes up during the hurricane, it'll be hurricane Katrina part II and the media will hang him, and McCain for it. If he does not show up they'll make it seem like McCain is not good enough for the Republican's time.

    Wish our guys luck.

  3. Blowhards versus blowhard.  Tie.

  4. Rush said this on his program yesterday, suggesting if a hurricane did touch base in America, media would use it as an excuse not to cover the convention.

    Media would still cover the convention, no doubt about it.

  5. I think that the RNC and Gustav will have a pretty even split in news coverage.

  6. Yes. How will we recognize you without your pic?

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