
If hydrogen is used as a fuel, will it harm the environment?

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If hydrogen is used as a fuel, will it harm the environment?




  1. The hydrogen itself will not harm the environment.  The key question is where did the energy to make the hydrogen come from.  Oil, gas, coal.....?

  2. if you can generate the hydrogen from solar/wind/hydropower you can create a fuel that burns without any byproducts except water vapor.  There are theories that have recently concluded that water vapor in the air is creating cloud cover that is countering global warming by reflecting a significant amount of the suns energy back into space.

  3. No. Free hydrogen binds with oxygen ( in the air) to form water. No bad byproducts.

  4. Yes all gases harm the environment.

  5. When u have a wreck it could be very bad.

  6. No, in a fuel cell it ends up as water.

    The problem is that you need to make the hydrogen.  Nuclear reactors work best.  The conversion requires huge amounts of electricity.  Coal or oil power plants work too.

    So, to get the nice clean fuel, you need nasty, dirty power plants.

  7. I don't think so.

  8. No, but hydrogen is not a fuel. It can only transfer energy from a power plant to your car. You will still have to burn something in a power plant in order to manufacture hydrogen.

  9. The byproduct of burning hydrogen is water vapor

  10. It starts as water

    It propels your car

    and ends as water

    Where is the harm in that?

    Hydrogen gas can be made at home using Solar or Wind turbine electricity sources

    This converts water into Hydrogen using an electrolysis process similar to a battery (Lead acid Batteries also give off hydrogen)

    In a recent experiment 2 cars were set on fire

    The petrol car had a 1/8 inch hole drilled in a fuel line

    With the Hydrogen car 3 safety devices had to be disabled to allow it to burn.

    The petrol car burned down to the ground in several minutes

    The Hydrogen car flamed gas straight up in the air for a few minuted till another safety device shut the gas off.

    The temperature inside the hydro car never went above 78 degrees F

    Hydrogen can then be passed through a fuel stack {plates like a battery again) which converts the hydrogen directly into electricity to pwer motors attached to the wheels. The waste product is water (that you can drink)

  11. only unless we get it from oil wear drilling.

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