
If i'm an anarchist what do i believe in?

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besides life without governmoent i mean what does it mean exactly?




  1. There is a great deal of misunderstanding of the nature

    of anarchism.

    Anarchists (also known as libertarians or libertarian

    socialists, in the original sense of socialism as worker-

    ownership-and-control of the means of production)

    oppose illegitimate authority and hierarchy, and therefore

    oppose capitalism and the state; anarchists do not oppose

    all organization: anarchists favor voluntary, non-

    hierarchical, self-organization. Anarchists do not oppose

    all rules and laws; anarchists oppose rules and laws

    imposed involuntarily by illegitimate authorities, such

    as the state, and favor voluntarily-agreed-upon rules and


    "Anarchy 101", an excellent introduction to anarchism,

    can be found here:

    "An Anarchist FAQ", giving an in-depth treatment of

    anarchism, can be found here:


    News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

  2. I tried to write an explanation for you but I couldn't find the correct words, so I looked in the anarchist faq and I found a passage that should help explain anarchim to you:

    "What is the essence of anarchism?

    As we have seen, "an-archy" implies "without rulers" or "without (hierarchical) authority." Anarchists are not against "authorities" in the sense of experts who are particularly knowledgeable, skilful, or wise, though they believe that such authorities should have no power to force others to follow their recommendations (see section B.1 for more on this distinction). In a nutshell, then, anarchism is anti-authoritarianism.

    Anarchists are anti-authoritarians because they believe that no human being should dominate another. Anarchists, in L. Susan Brown's words, "believe in the inherent dignity and worth of the human individual." [The Politics of Individualism, p. 107] Domination is inherently degrading and demeaning, since it submerges the will and judgement of the dominated to the will and judgement of the dominators, thus destroying the dignity and self-respect that comes only from personal autonomy. Moreover, domination makes possible and generally leads to exploitation, which is the root of inequality, poverty, and social breakdown.

    In other words, then, the essence of anarchism (to express it positively) is free co-operation between equals to maximise their liberty and individuality.

    Co-operation between equals is the key to anti-authoritarianism. By co-operation we can develop and protect our own intrinsic value as unique individuals as well as enriching our lives and liberty for "[n]o individual can recognise his own humanity, and consequently realise it in his lifetime, if not by recognising it in others and co-operating in its realisation for others . . . My freedom is the freedom of all since I am not truly free in thought and in fact, except when my freedom and my rights are confirmed and approved in the freedom and rights of all men [and women] who are my equals." [Michael Bakunin, quoted by Errico Malatesta, Anarchy, p. 30]

    While being anti-authoritarians, anarchists recognise that human beings have a social nature and that they mutually influence each other. We cannot escape the "authority" of this mutual influence, because, as Bakunin reminds us:

    "The abolition of this mutual influence would be death. And when we advocate the freedom of the masses, we are by no means suggesting the abolition of any of the natural influences that individuals or groups of individuals exert on them. What we want is the abolition of influences which are artificial, privileged, legal, official." [quoted by Malatesta, Anarchy, p. 51]

    In other words, those influences which stem from hierarchical authority.

    This is because hierarchical systems like capitalism deny liberty and, as a result, people's "mental, moral, intellectual and physical qualities are dwarfed, stunted and crushed" (see section B.1 for more details). Thus one of "the grand truths of Anarchism" is that "to be really free is to allow each one to live their lives in their own way as long as each allows all to do the same." This is why anarchists fight for a better society, for a society which respects individuals and their freedom. Under capitalism, "[e]verything is upon the market for sale: all is merchandise and commerce" but there are "certain things that are priceless. Among these are life, liberty and happiness, and these are things which the society of the future, the free society, will guarantee to all." Anarchists, as a result, seek to make people aware of their dignity, individuality and liberty and to encourage the spirit of revolt, resistance and solidarity in those subject to authority. This gets us denounced by the powerful as being breakers of the peace, but anarchists consider the struggle for freedom as infinitely better than the peace of slavery. Anarchists, as a result of our ideals, "believe in peace at any price -- except at the price of liberty. But this precious gift the wealth-producers already seem to have lost. Life . . . they have; but what is life worth when it lacks those elements which make for enjoyment?" [Lucy Parsons, Liberty, Equality & Solidarity, p. 103, p. 131, p. 103 and p. 134]

    So, in a nutshell, Anarchists seek a society in which people interact in ways which enhance the liberty of all rather than crush the liberty (and so potential) of the many for the benefit of a few. Anarchists do not want to give others power over themselves, the power to tell them what to do under the threat of punishment if they do not obey. Perhaps non-anarchists, rather than be puzzled why anarchists are anarchists, would be better off asking what it says about themselves that they feel this attitude needs any sort of explanation."

    I also checked and found this list of what anarchism supports and rejects on wikipedia

    Anarchism Supports:


    Consensus decision-making


  3. Well, first of all I would like to state that true Anarchy could never exist in a society for very long at all, because if nothing is punishable by law, that means anyone could, oh say, forcibly take control of the population and run it as a totalitarian state without punishment, thereby ending the anarchy. And it wouldn't be too long before someone did that.

    Having said that, Anarchy is like Communism in that it will never work in the real world, but is actually a rather admirable theory. A lot of people look at Anarchists and think that they think people should just kill others because they can, and are evil. However, the reality of most Anarchists is that their mindset is something along these lines:

    1. When a person is born, they do not automatically agree to be ruled over by any superior force, and therefore government is wrong.

    2. It is supposed to be a free world, and you should be able to do as you please.

    3. Government is by nature corrupt.

    4. Government creates social classes which are unfair and cause many to be stuck in poverty simply for being born into the wrong family.

    5. Anarchy would create a true free for all society, which would mean that how hard you work for what you want in life is in direct proportion to what you get, which is very untrue with all systems currently in place in the world, especially in Communist societies, but even in Capitalist ones.

    6. Law and order is ineffective as good people will accord themselves appropriately without it and evil people break the law anyway.

    Also, in contrast to number 6, many Judeo-Christian people who become Anarchists do so partly because government defies the idea that God is testing us on Earth to determine where we belong in the afterlife. Supposedly some people who would otherwise end up in h**l might not simply because the government which controls them shapes their actions and beliefs into a more righteous manner. Therefore, some Jews and Christians believe government warps God's process on Earth. Personally I think this is bullshit as God, if he exists, would certainly not stand for this and could implement steps to fix the problem. But, hey, what are you gonna do? And, this belief is echoed in similar manners in some other religions as well, by the way.


  4. Yet another bunch of people who want to pretend they do as they like.

    They claim to be beyond the law.  

    They smoke on public transport, harass old ladies with wooden canes and steal from corner shops.  

    Normally male - white and in their teens and 20s.  They have a single aim in life.

    A great time.  Endless Loud Music. Drugs / Beer and s*x and surprising as sometime its even with a female.

    This goes on for 10 to maybe 15 years until a turn around period.  One day our boy meets a person of the fairer s*x and suddenly he finds she is better company than a bunch of guys who are so out of it they will never notice he has moved on anyway.  Stuff them and they hollow promises to always respect him in the morning..  

    Months later they did not even notice him gone apart from the sudden appearance of the extra beer cans, he no longer is consuming with them.

    With in 15 years this women has turned out boy around.  Yes the same boy is himself now a proud dad and he even runs a corner shop thats dong rather bad just now,  mainly due to youth crime.

    And so the circle goes around.

  5. You don't believe in any kind of government. A society without government means chaos.

  6. some believe that god is the only true governing force.

    others think that to be an anarchist is to resent your own government

    but the main principle of anarchism is "Good people dont need law and bad people dont follow law"

    it is believing that peace, love, kindness are the only governing forces needed to have a thriving society. contrary to all those 12 year old skate q****s who spray anarchy sign all over the place screaming "yo i are an anarchist YOOOOO!!!! hehehe im so cool"

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