
If i'm in the passenger seat and have been drinking earlier(and am under aged) and let my 20yr friend drive my

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car home with me in the passenger seat. if i get pulled over can i get in trouble?? tickets, jail, let go, warning.etc? any info would be appreciated.




  1. If the cop can smell alcohol, you're screwed (which they have a bloodhound sense of smell for), but if by some miracle he doesn't smell it probably not. Also depends on what time of ay it is, since you are underage you have a curfew by law.

  2. If the cop suspects you are underage and have been drinking, yes, you are in trouble. Also in trouble is whoever served you the drinks.

    Pretend you are asleep.


  3. Just don't do it! It's because of you people that we get into car accidents!

  4. Depending what country/state or province you live in most likely you will get a warning & the police will talk to your parents. The fact that you were smart enough to have a D/D is a good thing. But if the officer is in a bad mood or just wants to teach you a lesson, break out the money.  

  5. 1. You can and will be arrested for underage drinking.

    2. If you have any alcohol on you then you would me charged with a (MIP) minor in possession.

  6. Yes, you WILL get in trouble, and it also depends on the cop.  The cop could be nice, or it could be an ****** cop that slams you in juvie for underaged drinking and curfew violation.

    Leave the liquor alone and focus on your studies.

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