
If i'm not allergic to wasps, can a swarm do any serious harm to me??

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by serious i mean....effects lasting longer than a few hours/a day?

and can i tell if i'm allergic without going to a doctor, like a home test or something?




  1. any type of bee or wasps swarm can have the potential to kill.  They release venom when they sting, and if enough do sting you it can be a lethal dose .  

    Killer bees for example have the same sting as a regular honey bee, but they are so aggressive that they sting so much it can kill.  

    Other bee's and wasps, however, are not likely to kill unless you don't run away from them and their nests.

    I don't beleive you can safely tell if your allergic without a doctor.

  2. Wasps can sting you multiple times. I was once stung, then chased by about 7 of them. My sting swelled up, and hurt about 2 hours. If enough sting you, you could be in some serious pain. If you have ever been stung before, and nothing serous like trouble breathing, has happened then my best guess is you are not allergic.

    I don't know of any deaths by wasps, but there have been a few by killer bees. The problem with them is that they get to be in huge numbers. One sting can't kill, but that one sting lets off a pheromone that tells every other bee to attack. A few hundred stings can be fatal.

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