
If i'm not pregnant why am i so hungry?

by Guest62512  |  earlier

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I had the paraguard IUD removed on July 3rd, I had it for 4 yrs, My last period was on july 13th and it was a normal period.. I took like 4 pregnancy tests and they all came out negative. My questions is why am i soo hungry all the time? I keep thinking about food, and have cravings, my b***s are sore, IDK, is this normal?




  1. Wait a little while and take another test..... It may just be a mind thing but during the first 2 mos of my pregnancy I was unable to eat.... I lost my appetite and I was having the most horrible morning sickness

  2. it could be an effect of going off the birth control. that happens.

  3. i would take another pregnancy test in week or so ,its so posable that you are pregnt,i had the same problem,and my period was light red you ever seen,and caving food and your b***s are sore and tender ,this normal when pregnancy ,good luck ~!~!!~!~!~!

  4. if i were u i would go see a doctor

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